- 4 digits that need to be driven dynamically from ESP8266 - considering that digits are driven using a 595 and it all runs under MicroPython, it's kinda slow
- 5V input and onboard 3.3V regulator (Chinese 1117) - which can be bypassed by a solder jumper
- GP2, GP0, TXD, RXD and ADC pins are free and accessible (okay, TXD and RXD are not very accessible) (also, it appears that GP0 can't drive open-collector things, IIRC because it has a pulldown)
Current usage:
- Lying on the hackerspace floor, broadcasting poop emoji SSID and displaying "1337"
- Showing temperature from two temperature sensors (still broadcasting the poop emoji SSID)
Things to play with:
- MicroPython inline assembly - maybe I can speed up the shiftOut function? (Viper - done)
- Making a clock
- Using MQTT and a DS18B20 (DS18B20 code here)
- Make my first actual IoT project
You'd need something that can take advantage of the ESP32 otherwise if it's just a serial interface 4 digit LED display those are only a dollar or two on eBay. Search on TM1637, and TM1638 for the 8 digit version.