First thing first, we assembly the hardware and we create some battery powered Arduino based wireless IoT modules that use either Bluetooth or ZigBee/Xbee to communicate with the so called solution gateway.Also the solution gateway has some sensors connected directly on it.
-Solution gateway you say? What's that??
-Well that's a -as small as possible(or big you choose/I prefer the smaller)- Linux preferably based PC that has Python on it (2.7 and/or 3.x) for running the application's client. Solution gateway has the ability to connect via Bluetooth and ZigBee to Aruino based IoT modules. The same PC (I used a Raspberry Pi Zero W because it has both Bluetooth & WiFi on it) connects to various sensors (or a single one) via its GPIO. The Raspberry Pi gathers all data wirelessly and wireslly via Pyrhon program and the same program send to server the sensor's data.
-Server hah??
-The server (you can put it on a cloud based infrastructure, currently its an Ubuntu based VM) is a LAMP stack system. It can run to a LEMP stack system the same way. The web application hosted on the LAMP stack consists of a REST API app written in Slim 2 framework that exposes various endpoints that get and set data from and to DB and of a Yii framework based app that hadles UI for data presentation as its main parts. Supplementary part of the server solution are the MySQL DB on which data from all IoT modules are stored.
At last are the DATA presented in a nice ajax filled datatable on Yii UI.
-Oh and what about code & licences?
-Well of course the code is mostly under BSD and GPL licence and it is currently on Bitbucket until I finish my Thesis, then I'm thinking to provided publicly on my Github account.
-Why not now on Github???? I want it!!!!
-Plz be patient and wait until I finish my MSc Thesis, then we 'll see!!