
Programing ESPcopter - ESP8266 Drone with Visuino

Visually Programing ESPcopter - ESP8266 based programmable Drone with Visuino

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ESPcopter is a really cool, ESP8266 based programmable Drone currently on arikovani: The drone is expandable, and has GPIO pins for connecting extra sensors and actuators.Visuino is an easy to use Graphical Software Development tool, and is perfect for easy programming of robots and drones.The goal of the project is to find the best way to program the ESPcopter drones with Visuino and to unlock the full ESPcopter potential, as a single drone, or even as a swarm of drones.

The ESPCopter is currently on Crowfuding.

Meet with ESPcopter. ESPcopter is small indoor friendly drone that can fly autonomously and be programmable with  Visuino , Arduino and Blockly.
ESPcopter live on crowdfunding. You can find whole info on my crowdfunding page. We need your help to make mass production of ESPcopter. Thanks 

Here is the link:

Auto flight with ESPcopter

Swarm Drone

How to program ESPcopter?


Visuino is the latest innovative software from Mitov Software. A visual programming environment allowing you to program your ESPcopter boards.

Blockly Programming 

We developed a fully online blockly coding web site for students who are new to coding education. 

You can access the Block Programming interface via this link:


Arduino is one of the most popular microcontroller coding languages of recent years. We have developed an open-source Arduino library for the ESPcopter.

ESPcopter can be programmed by using commands that are in the ESPcopter library. To the so you can learn Arduino programming from beginner to advanced. 

ESPcopter Arduino SDK(İngilizce):

How Can I Control ESPcopter?

What are the Technical Specifications of ESPcopter?


  • 1 Piece ESPcopter board.
  • 1 Piece 240mAh Li-Po battery.
  • 1 Piece propeller protector.
  • 4 Piece reserve propellers.
  • 1 Piece battery  holder shield
  • 1 Piece Solder shield
  • 1 Piece propeller disassembly tool.

Thanks to its modular structure, you can add new features to ESPcopter By Using Sensor Shields

ESPcopter Optical Flow Module:

The optical flow module measures the movement of the ESPcopter over the ground, allowing the drone to remain stable in the air and to perform autonomous tasks.

ESPcopter Multi-Distance Module:

There are laser sensors on the multi-distance module with 1-meter detection distance facing forward, backward, right and left. With this module, you can do applications such as collision prevention, autonomous flight or hand control according to the distance to the walls.

Other Modules:

The Drone is ESP8266 based, and has additional GPIO pins where you can connect more sensors and actuators:

This makes it a perfect flexible development platform for Drone projects, and its custom WiFi functionality makes it easy to fave multiple drones communication with each other.

Visuino with its easy to use Graphical Development Interface, and advanced IoT capabilities, looks like the perfect platform to be combined with the ESPCopter :-)

The ESPCopter also has Facebook Group .

The Visuino also has both Facebook Group, and G+ Community

ESPcopter weighs only 32g and runs for 8 minutes on a 260mAh battery. Whether you want to learn how to fly a drone or program one, this kit has you covered.

ESPcopter SDKEnglish.pdf

Adobe Portable Document Format - 2.00 MB - 06/24/2019 at 21:36


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thamhut wrote 07/02/2019 at 15:30 point

My son like it. Thanks

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