This a WIP:
Currently I have a DIY lasercutter made from 25x25mm Alu tubing - as an upgrade I ordered some v-slot that should arrive next week, this will then begin the build of my V2 laser
This build will be continually updated: As is, the BOM is proven so you can start ordering if you'd like to...
Submission log:
10 Aug 10AM - uploaded version of Sketchup file with the corner brackets, laser PSU, Brackets for the stepper motors, mounting brackets for the laser tube. mounts for the Driveshaft (8mm shaft running through F608Z Bearings)
10 Aug 10:15: Uploaded a PDF invoice of what I paid for the SDZ laser parts
10 Aug 12:30: Added renders to Build Instructions (Draft) - pending delivery of VSlot to verify and take better pictures of each step
2 Aug: Added Driveshaft, Y carriage belt mounting and tensioner, Lid and optimised placement of X rail to prevent damage to laser head and maximise cutting area
16 Aug: Added uprights to mounfirewall
DIY Lasercutter: Budget orientated, medium sized (60-100w), safety first, based on Lasersaur software toolchain
10 Aug: 2AM - uploaded version of Sketchup file with the frame added, as well as motors and 24v PSU
10 Aug 10AM - uploaded version of Sketchup file with the corner
brackets, laser PSU, Brackets for the stepper motors, mounting brackets
for the laser tube. mounts for the Driveshaft (8mm shaft running through
F608Z Bearings)
10 Aug 10:15: Uploaded a PDF invoice of what I paid for the SDZ laser parts - in reply to request from discussion page.
10 Aug 12:30: Added renders to Build Instructions (Draft) - pending
delivery of VSlot to verify and take better pictures of each step
12 Aug: Added Driveshaft, Y carriage belt mounting and tensioner,
Lid and optimised placement of X rail to prevent damage to laser head
and maximise cutting area
16 Aug: Added uprights to mount firewall between cutting area and
rest of machine (to allow for vacuum chamber to exhaust smoke).
Validated corner brackets match mye existing sketches to ensure count is
16 Aug: Updated BOM to most current state, should now be 99%
complete - at least in regards to parts to order from, and May need some extras sourced
Hi man!
Want to show you some our videos.
Realy want to know your objective opinion!
Please skype me :george.fomitchev or mail me: if you will decide to tell me something.
Video tutorials how to make your own diy laser engraving / cutting machine.
Video 1: How to assemble MakeBlock XY plotter.
Video 2 : How to assemble DIY engraver.