
Video on how "Bracelet for the blind" works

A project log for Bracelet for the blind

The solution is leveraging from the available stuff, affordable.

tiendoTiendo 10/16/2017 at 08:040 Comments

Distance configuration mode: (about 3:50)

Press and hold the "+ -" button for about 3 seconds to start in the distance configuration mode. Press "+" to increase the obstacle recognition distance, or press "-" to decrease the obstacle recognition distance. The minimum distance to identify obstacles is 2 meters and a maximum of 5 meters. A beep is 0.5 meters (example: when you are in distance configuration mode, press "+" or press "-" to hear two beeps, meaning that the maximum obstacle detection distance is: 2 + 0.5 + 0.5 = 3 meters. Press "+" or "-" to hear a beep, meaning the maximum obstacle detection distance is: 2 + 0.5 = 2.5 meters...)
