

Bringing sophisticated safety features in to economic class vehicles
with an advantage of zero carbon emission.

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This is our prototype and the first step in bringing green mobility with highly sophisticated smart safety features with Cloud connectivity and accessibility through smartphones in a economic class automobile.We have used the recycle and reuse idea to make a impact attenuator using pesi cans filled with cotton balls closely arranged. We achieved green mobility by using Solar pannels to power up the accumlator that drives a 1.5 kw Bldc motor. The whole weight of the prototype is 400 kg and the motor can drive it for for 1 hour with accumlators being fully charged. The prototype can carry a single driver at a speed of 30kmph (tested). Thus vehicle reaches 30kms(approx) in an hour. In addition to this the accumlator is charged through the solar pannel of 500W capacity. Now regarding the safety features, we also planned to have accident monitoring system, driver vital monitoring, driver fatigue detection system and emergency shut down system.

Accident monitoring system sends the location of the vehicle to the cloud server on the account of the accident this could be used to alert an ambulance service in that locality. This part is under development and we are using photon for this purpose. Driver vital detection system is in the final stages of completion, it includes sensing driver's pulse rate using pulse oximeter. This is combined with monitoring eye lash movement with rashberry pi for fatigue detection. We have also planned to develop radar system using doppler radar that gives speed of approaching vehicles in blind turns etc. The Emergency shutdown system shuts down the whole circuit on the account of the first impact to avoid short circuit fires.


Our report

Adobe Portable Document Format - 2.22 MB - 07/21/2017 at 06:22


(ICITEST-2K17) - Smart Solar Vehicle.pdf

Paper on our project

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  • 1 × Spark Photon microcontroller with inbuilt wifi
  • 1 × Bldc motor electrical machine, Drive
  • 1 × MLX90614 Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components
  • 1 × doppler sensor

View all 14 components

  • Emergency shutdown system

    vicky_eee36007/21/2017 at 05:43 0 comments

    This is for the safety of the driver, at adverse conditions such as Fuel leakage, Break failure, Motor failure, etc. At these conditions the driver loses his control on the vehicle which may lead to major accidents. To avoid this driver is provided with a Kill switch on the dashboard and near the seat. On pressing this switch the whole drive system is disconnected from the supply and thus is shut down and the vehicle is brought to a complete halt. In case of brake failure a special switch called Break Travel over Switch (BTOS) is actuated as a brake pedal is displaced by a large amount than the usual action. During the actuation, the operation resembles as that of the Kill Switch. 

  • Impact attenuator

    vicky_eee36007/21/2017 at 05:37 0 comments

    On the account of bringing one of green policy "Reuse" into our green mobility we have designed an impact attenuator with waste Pepsi cans filled with cotton balls and waste coconut coir. The main idea of installing this is to reduce the force of impact by absorbing it before the force is passed on to the chassis. In addition to this a kill switch is installed in front of the attenuator which opens the circuit on head on impact.

  • Hall effect based Throttle

    vicky_eee36007/19/2017 at 04:11 0 comments

    First throttle with potentiometer to vary the input reference voltage to the controller dedicated to the motor from 0-5v. The efficiency of speed variation and acceleration was not upto the mark as some lag is produced due to the significant voltage drop at the throttle. The acceleration was not satisfactory.

    Now we have installed a throttle that work based on the Hall effect principle. This has increased the acceleration rate to the pressure applied on the pedal. Efficiency of acceleration is increased as the system consist of IC and a magnet. This system also reduced the size of the throttle pedal

  • Accident detection system

    vicky_eee36007/19/2017 at 03:52 0 comments

    This system ensures in time rescue of the driver on the account of an accident. It sends the location of the accident and driver vitals at that time to the nearest ambulance service through the cloud server dedicated for this purpose.

    The alerts will also be sent to the previously added mobile numbers in the system.

    Also on the account of first impact the whole circuit is shut down to prevent fire due to sparks and short circuits.

    This will be completed by next week.

  • Driver and vehicle vital parameter monitoring

    vicky_eee36007/19/2017 at 03:44 0 comments

    This part of the project which monitors vital parameters of the driver such as pulse rate and vehicle vitals such as battery chamber temperature, motor tempertature, battery charge level, supply from solar pannel has been completed and is under testing. After testing it will be integrated with the Driver fatigue detection system.

View all 5 project logs

  • 1
    Chassis Design

    Vehicle chassis design is the first step and done through catia or

    Lotus and stability and structural analysis are done

  • 2
    Selection of drive system

    drive and drive system is selected based on the vehicles weight, ergonomics and supply source. For this purpose torque calculations are done to select the required rating of the drive. It also includes design of speed controller for the drive 

  • 3
    Design of solar based charge system

    Based on the drive rating accumlators and solar pannel ratings are selected and the setup is designed in such a way that it attains maximum efficiency.

View all 10 instructions

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rajesh00754 wrote 07/21/2017 at 15:03 point

grow large..india in high need of non-carbon fuel vehicles

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vicky_eee360 wrote 07/21/2017 at 16:44 point

surely mate

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PremJ20 wrote 07/21/2017 at 06:13 point

hi im really a big fan of Your project keep this up

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vicky_eee360 wrote 07/21/2017 at 06:23 point

thank you it means a lot for us

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vtsselvan1995 wrote 07/21/2017 at 06:07 point

Hey there. What could be the max speed of the vehicle mate?

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vicky_eee360 wrote 07/21/2017 at 06:10 point

Its around 25-30kmph

The torque is around 108Nm which is 1.5 times the required starting torque which supports the best acceleration for our vehicle

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