footage of the robot walking with an evolved gait can be seen in the below video:
Note: I made this robot for school, as part of my Extended Project Qualification (started age 17). I do not get the grade till mid august so may be limited to how much documentation and research can be published before this date, but after receiving the grade, hope to publish everything, including all design and code.
Very interesting project and easy to follow, even though it looks complicated, it is unique since it makes use of daily household objects. As an environmentalist i approve and more funding should be awarded in order to make recyclable robots that are even more efficient. In the future as a student of politics, i can say that when robots are mainstreamed (self autonomous ones) on a mass scale, the tax on these oily be bops partners and its environmentally friendly composition will surely shine through. Competition will also likely be based around this when population growth and earths inevitable destruction are put to play by global warming etc..