The #PobDuino bot is a bicephale robot, taking the best from Arduino & grove ecosystem, augmented withFlowcode graphical progamming.
The mechanical base is coming from an obsolete robot from Pob Technology. To give him a second live, we changed all the electronics inside.
There are two brains inside:
* one is the Seeeduino Lotus which gives you all the best from Arduino and grove compatibility,
* the other one is using a simple Atemega328 to interpret the Flowcode charts
For Servos and digital outputs there is an Adafruit 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver board.
For the motors it's the Grove - I2C Mini Motor Driver from SeeeStudio.
As a result, you have the benefit to be compatible with all the Grove sensors and every other Arduino peripherial, but you'll programm the #PobDuino with the Flowcode graphical langage (a basic licence is enough).
This is very useful for education for instance.
See #PobDuino in action:
The code is available here:
And here are the schematics:
I love Open HardWare