
Autonomous and RC Lawnmower

Using common and easy to obtain hardware to build an autonomous electric lawnmower

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I have been wanting to build a remote controlled lawn mower for several years now, much like several other people that read this site I am sure. There was even an article written recently on the site about the same thing.

After finding the "new" (actually used and pretty obvious once received) sets of ~350W brush less motors for 2 wheeled scooters (hoverboards) for a reasonable price, coupled with the realization they could potentially be controlled and powered from off the shelf 6S hobby grade ESC's. The mower deck and motor are a corded 120VAC lawn mower, which can be run from 70-80 VDC, since the motor is brushed and universal. (While there may be better options, this can potentially keep costs down). Since the drive hardware for the motors is hobby RC based, controlling the whole thing from an off the shelf "flight" controller is fairly straight forward.

The system allows for standard RC control, and automated GPS path following.

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Miroslav Senkerik wrote 01/31/2022 at 13:48 point


How did you achieve reverse operation on the flight controllers?


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Miroslav Senkerik wrote 01/31/2022 at 13:44 point


Can it handle a 30-degree slope ?


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