

Low cost GSM GPS tracker

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Our Product VALTRACK V2 is a GSM/GPS based Vehicle/Personal tracking device.
It is small in size, low cost & easy to install.
Alerts the owner if someone moves the vehicle
Track your elders and children for 3 days on a single charge using SMS
Listen to what is happening near the device using the Auto answer feature
Track your Motorcycle, Car, PET , Children or Elders location on map using SMS or Cloud based tracking.

# Project Overview


This is a small sized GPS tracker which is being designed on a PCB about the size of 52mm x 18mm. 

The main goal of it is to have it done at lowest cost possible. 
Image of Valtrack V1 GPS tracker :

I had already done a earlier version (Valtrack V1) of it and tested it for 6 months in my motorcycle. 

But that one had a few improvements to be made. 
 - The earlier device was always turned on and it was continuously sending data to AWS server at 1 minute intervals and in 6 months i had to replace the battery because it was drained to the level of where it was not getting charged again. 
 - One more reason was that i used the vehicle only twice once in a day to drive around 5 kilometers. So it was never fully charged back up.

 - The Valtrack V1 version was not designed to take in 12VDC directly from vehicles battery. I had put a small Switch mode regulator breakout board to reduce voltage to 4V to power the tracker. 

 - Also V1 didnt have a internal battery support which can be used to track stolen vehicle when the main battery source is cut off. 

Whats new in this V2 version : 
 - Added a motion sensor for saving battery power. GSM is turned on only when vehicle is in motion and turned off when vehicle is not moving.

 - Added a 12V battery charger which can charge the internal Lithium battery and also supply 4V to the tracker for operation. This charger can also charge the battery on USB when used as a personal tracking device

 - Internal Lithium battery is useful to power the tracker when main battery source is removed. 

 - Added a USB connector to charge battery in addition to +12V inputs. This connector can also be used to debug the ARM MCU using SWD. 
 - Added a 2 Mega bit (256 kilo bytes) EEPROM support for logging data and FOTA (Firmware update over the air)
 - Added a SOS switch support which can tell the tracker to make a call or send a SMS or send push notifications to the family or friends in case of emergencies
 - Added a Ignition cutoff relay driver support to cut off power to ignition remotely in case of vehicle theft. 
 - Added Bluetooth antenna support for having possibilities to configure the tracker using a Android/IOS/Windoes mobile application.
- Changed MCU to a low power version with QFN package to save space and power.

# Where I Need the Most Help

Most of the hardware design is done, I am sending it to fabrication this week and ordering components from mouser. 

Once software development is done i would like to have a custom casing made on this provided i get enough funding by sales to get it done. 
Until that i am going to put custom case design on hold. 

We can develop open source software for this tracker for sending data to different cloud platforms like AWS IOT, Google Cloud, Azure, Carriots, etc. 

Next version can be extended to make it to have support for 
 - MQTT support on TCP using GSM module (Possible in this version also)
 - Lora network for intra city tracking which will be less expensive compared to GSM. Useful for tracking elders and pizza delivery vehicles or courier deliver vehicles which work inside city limits. ( In version V3, needs hardware mods)
  - Convert it to a IOT data logger or environment monitor by addition of sensors.

# Why Sponsor This Project?

Sponsor this project to help it to come to life. 
 - Most of the trackers used today are closed designs made in China and not configurable to other servers and no possibility of them getting repaired. 
 - The components used in this tracker will be made open for easy repairs or replacements. 
 - I intend to make this tracker as a development board like Arduino with all goodies like GSM +GPS+Accelerometer+Battery charger+Device control option in one package. 

 - I can ship you one board for each Rs.4000/-(In India) to play around with. Not...

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Connection Image for the VALTRACK-V2 GPS tracker

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 1.41 MB - 09/11/2017 at 17:47


  • Now VALTRACK-V2 is available for purchase

    raviypujar07/19/2019 at 11:30 0 comments

    Now you can buy VALTRACK-V2 on our store 

    We ship international by DHL

  • VALTRACK-V2 parameters configuration by Bluetooth using Android application

    raviypujar06/03/2018 at 13:00 0 comments

    This video is an update to show how we can configure the parameters of the VALTRACK-V2 GPS tracker using the builtin bluetooth interface and an Android Application using the SPP protocol. 
    We can configure and control the device operation by setting different operating modes, motion thresholds, contact numbers. etc. 
    Link to App on Playstore :

    This video is an update to show how we can configure the parameters of the VALTRACK-V2 GPS tracker using the builtin bluetooth interface and an Android Application using the SPP protocol. 
    We can configure and control the device operation by setting different operating modes, motion thresholds, contact numbers. etc. 
    Link to App on Playstore :

  • Started a small SMT PCB assembly unit

    raviypujar09/20/2017 at 18:10 0 comments

    Been tired of the waiting time to get my boards assembled was such a pain. I was falling short of deadlines because the PCB normally take around 10 days to arrive after fabrication, then i need to send them to PCB assembling along with the components and wait for around 5-6 days to get the boards back to testing. 

    The reason i send my boards for assembling is,

    The parts are extremely difficult to hand solder as i use 0402 and QFN package parts in most of my designs. The 0402 parts are terrible for hand soldering as they are almost invisible and cant even be held in a tweezer properly.

    The assembling cost for smaller number of boards is very high, Like suppose we have to get only 5 boards made costs me around Rs.800/- per board. That's very bad when we want to manufacture a low cost product without large volumes or on demand in 1 or 2 nos.

    Thats' what happened with my VALTRACK-V2 GPS tracker. It costed me Rs.800/- per board to get them soldered with 5 days lead time. So i had to increase the cost of the device to compensate for the assembling charges, which will have a bad effect on price.

    Long story short, i wanted to bring down the costs and get boards done quickly in house and provide faster turn around time for my clients in the whole design process. So i invested in this T-960 reflow oven along with manual SMT stencil printer. This will significantly speed up my next projects. 

    Apart from using machine to solder our own boards, will be starting assembling services at minimal charges to my clients and whoever interested. 

  • VALTRACK-V2 Live Motorcyle/Bike GPS Tracking Demo

    raviypujar09/15/2017 at 15:36 0 comments

    Blog link :
    This video is a demonstration video of my Low cost GSM/GPS tracker for Bikes and motorcycles. Here you will see how the device sends live tracking data which can be viewed on Google maps with a simple Javascript application connected to device using Deepstream Websockets and HTTP API.

  • Connection Details for VALTRACK-V2 board

    raviypujar09/11/2017 at 17:51 0 comments

  • VALTRACK-V2 as a Home Security Device - Burgular Alarm

    raviypujar09/10/2017 at 17:34 0 comments

    This video is a demo video of my new Low cost GSM/GPS tracker design VALTRACK - V2 being used as a Home Security device. Have a look in the video where i demonstrate the Web notification using HTTP API of Deepstream realtime messaging server using the motion alert feature of the device.

  • Designing a Low cost GSM/GPS tracker - GPRS Demo - Part 4

    raviypujar08/17/2017 at 12:47 0 comments

    This video is a status update to my new Low cost GSM/GPS tracker design VALTRACK - V2. The assembled PCB of version 2.1 arrived and i was able to get the GPRS version of GPS tracker working. Have a look in the video where i demonstrate the HTTP and TCP with MQTT tracking and motion alert feature of the device. This GPS tracker is mainly intended for bikes. It could be the best low cost GPS tracker for bike in India.

  • Designing a Low cost GSM/GPS tracker - SMS Tracking Demo - Part 3

    raviypujar07/20/2017 at 15:20 0 comments

    This video is a status update to my new Low cost GSM/GPS tracker design VALTRACK - V2. The assembled PCB arrived and i was able to get the SMS version of GPS tracker working. Have a look in the video where i demonstrate the SMS tracking and motion alert feature of the device. This GPS tracker is mainly intended for bikes. It could be the best low cost GPS tracker for bike in India.

  • Designing a Low cost GSM/GPS tracker - PCB & Parts arrived - Part 2

    raviypujar07/20/2017 at 15:18 0 comments

    This video is kind of a status update to my new Low cost GSM/GPS tracker design VALTRACK - V2. The PCB and Components have arrived from PCB power and Mouser electronics. Have a look in the video. This GPS tracker is mainly intended for bikes. It could be the best low cost GPS tracker for bike in India.

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  • 1
    Connection Diagram for DIY Programming

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Anoir Ben Tanfous wrote 08/03/2018 at 02:23 point

Really instersting project and I am interesting into buying this product, just I will check if it will work in Canada... here it's costly also to use gsm network which is the major turn off but after having so many bikes stolen I am considering this option... 

I like how compact you've made this and all the features implanted as well... 

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openworldittechy wrote 09/10/2017 at 17:59 point

How much are they?  I could use one to track some work trucks.. would like to add them to a page I can keep open on a monitor.. that way I could track my fleet of work trucks live.

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raviypujar wrote 09/10/2017 at 18:11 point

yes, you can definitely use it for that. Costs around 55 USD right now. Less for more numbers.

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raviypujar wrote 09/10/2017 at 18:13 point

Let me know if you want one. I am shipping some to New York next week. You could share on shipping.

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raviypujar wrote 08/17/2017 at 12:46 point

Hi Filinto, 

Thank you for the interest. 
Yes its ready for sale. 
What is your interest? as a end user or for DIY experiments ?
Check out the latest video. 

  Are you sure? yes | no

Filinto wrote 08/17/2017 at 09:27 point

is the V2 ready ? i would be interested in the final poduc.

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