Finished the two booms and elevator
08/21/2014 at 06:45 • 0 commentsI've made some good progress on the UAV, I finished the two booms and strengthened the A LOT. One fell of my workbench before I'd strengthened it and it broke in half. I've also attached the elevator and I've started to mount the servo's. The booms are made out of 6mm depron, at first a had a big heavy wooden rod running the entire length, but I've found the depron to be sturdy enough if you place enough bulkheads. The booms are about 4 times lighter now then they were with the wooden rods. Dumping the wood for strength has also made wiring a lot easier and there is way more room for electronics and servo's.
I'll post the pictures as soon as my required video is done uploading. -
Video of the concept
08/21/2014 at 06:36 • 0 commentsI made the required <2 minutes video. In the video I shortly go over the concept on paper, after that I explained the tilt mechanism a bit and showed you the overall UAV.
As you can see the plane itself has also made a leap in progress, the both rudders have been attached, all steering surfaces have been cut and most servo's have been installed. Primary thing left to do is make the central fuselage.
The UAV is going to stay connected to my laptop or ARM dev board via a serial telemetry system, so the connected requirement has been met and I'll know what it's doing, and where it's doing it. For the software I'm going to modify the Multiwii VTOL software made by a few good folks from the RCgroups forum. I'm going to push pirateNG onto a home built Multiwii mega, and when it want's to kick into landing mode, I'll switch to vertical mode with a fixed decent rate. How it does this is the following: when the pirateNG goes to landing mode, I'll have it set a port high that activates a second, normal Multiwii that overrides the pirateNG's controls.