More 'BASIC' stuff!
10/04/2017 at 20:21 • 0 commentsStarted using Lee Davison Enhanced Basic just for testing and debug, but now, I'm starting to like in this small form factor! :D
Should I keep it or not?
The Virtual Keyboard it's not the most user friendly, but there are also the GPIOs and USB... ;-)
OnBoard Assembler in all its glory!
09/24/2017 at 10:38 • 0 commentsAs promised, here there are some photos of the OnBoard Assembler.
On the Left there is the Source Assembly Code and, on the Right, the Executed RAM Content (so in the middle the assembled code and on the full right the result of the program)! :D
Now I will spend some time working on an OnBoard Editor. :)
OnBoard Assembler comes to life! :D
09/22/2017 at 21:03 • 0 commentsFirst lines of code finally assembled and running on-board! Now it’s time to code and optimise the label addressing and the Media Storage Device via USB.
More Photos are coming! :)
First 6502 code running! :D
08/26/2017 at 17:06 • 4 commentsAlmost finished the 6502 emulator. Here it is a sneak peek of a simple code running! :) (On the display is shown the ram content)
Now it's time for the onboard assembler! :D
First Prototype Ready! :)
08/16/2017 at 19:38 • 8 commentsFirst prototype assembled and ready to be programmed!
No fixes needed, unbelievable! :D -
Finally sended to OSHPark :D
08/07/2017 at 12:12 • 0 commentsFinal step, for the board, done! Order sent to OSHPark.
Cannot wait for those awesome Purple Boards. :D
08/05/2017 at 10:27 • 0 commentsDisplays for Game65 arrived!
Last touches on the board and time to send it to @OSHPark!
( Ordered also some EInk displays... Ideas for the Next Project? :D )
Some infos...
08/01/2017 at 17:06 • 0 commentsIn the beginning, this was developed for my High School Exam. Almost 4 Years Ago.
The original project was a very Software Art.
Fully developed on an ATMega644 in Assembly and with a Mac 65C02 compiler made from scratch in C;
Below there are some photos of the old and original project.
Almost to OSHPark Party
08/01/2017 at 16:51 • 0 commentsI've been developing this project for almost a month and now I'm almost ready to make the first batch of perfect Boards from OSHPark.
In the mean while I've ordered all the necessary Parts and made some Software tests.
I cannot wait to show you the Final Product!