
PD Buddy Wye

USB Type-C Power Delivery/2.0 data splitter

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As of version 1.1.0 of its firmware, PD Buddy Sink can do USB Power Delivery negotiations while in Setup mode, making requests for new voltages and currents in real time based on user input via a USB CDC-ACM virtual serial port. To make full use of this feature, users need to be able to connect power and data to the PD Buddy Sink simultaneously. This board makes that possible, even with a computer that lacks USB Power Delivery output.

Since it's just a passive splitter, there's nothing about the Wye that's specific to any particular device. I sometimes use it for other things, like fast-charging a smartphone with a wall charger while transferring files by USB 2.0.

As I recently wrote in the PD Buddy Sink log, I have some use for a USB power/data splitter to separate the PD Buddy Sink's USB data lines from the Power Delivery lines.  I then promptly rescinded that in the next log, but I still saw some need for such a device as I continued developing version 1.1.0 of the Sink's firmware.  Now that the whole software stack supports the new real-time Power Delivery features, I'd really like to offer a power/data splitter alongside the PD Buddy Sink, so I threw together a PCB design for one.


PD Buddy Wye schematic, version 1.2

Adobe Portable Document Format - 34.50 kB - 07/25/2018 at 17:25


  • 1 × PD Buddy Wye v1.2 PCB
  • 1 × 105444-0001 P1
  • 2 × 5.1 kΩ 0805 R1-2

  • New version!

    Clara Hobbs05/05/2018 at 21:58 1 comment

    After the problems I had with the last batch of boards, I went back to the drawing board.  Well, back to anyway, where I found #Business Card Gamepad, which I figured might be a solution to my USB Type-C receptacle woes.  I found the relevant drawing in the USB Type-C spec and drew it as a KiCad footprint, which I then used to make a new version of the board.  Since it has to be 0.6 mm thick now, I couldn't order this board from OSH Park, so I went to Dirty PCBs instead.  The quality is quite good; the boards aren't dirty at all.

    I originally considered gluing on thin pieces of single-sided copper-clad FR4 to act as shield pads.  I tried this on one board and found that it made no positive difference to functionality or robustness.  Securing them well enough was difficult, and excess glue caused some problems.  So, I ultimately decided to leave them out.

    The new board works just as well as the older board revisions, and is much easier to build because I only have one connector to solder now.  I just listed them on Tindie, at a reduced price due to the lower material cost.  Hopefully this will be the end of the PD Buddy Wye supply problems!

  • Need a new fab

    Clara Hobbs03/05/2018 at 21:48 0 comments

    I just got another batch of boards from OSH Park, and they're not good.  Some of the holes appear to have a bit of soldermask inside of them, and others are drilled too small or plated too thick so the tiny pins of the USB connectors can't fit.  I'm disappointed, but not surprised—these boards are a little beyond OSH Park's design rules, so I can't fault them for not being made perfectly.

    To avoid problems like these in the future, I suppose the only options now are to either look for a different fab or stop selling the PD Buddy Wye.  I'll start looking for a fab that can handle such tiny features at a reasonable price.

  • Available on Tindie!

    Clara Hobbs08/29/2017 at 17:42 0 comments

    The PD Buddy Wye is now available on Tindie!  If you have a PD Buddy Sink and want to make full use of the new features in firmware version 1.1, I encourage you to check it out!

    I sell on Tindie

  • Boards arrived, one assembled

    Clara Hobbs08/28/2017 at 18:41 3 comments

    The PCBs arrived from @oshpark last week, and they're just great as usual.  Once again, the slight design rule violation for the USB Type-C receptacles wasn't a problem.

    EDIT: I just realized that the boards were actually made a bit better than I expected!  There's a small radius (0.3 mm) at the inside corners where the Type-C plug mounts.  I understand that OSH Park's boards are usually milled out with a drill of radius 1.27 mm, so when I ordered the boards I expected to have to file these corners to make the connectors fit.  When it came time to assemble them, I didn't think about it and the connectors fit perfectly.  Now that I look closely, I see some evidence that those corners were milled with a smaller bit to match the board outline in the design.  So thank you OSH Park for the unexpectedly well made boards!

    I assembled one of the boards today (I ordered the parts from Arrow on Tuesday.  They said they'd ship the same day, but the didn't ship until Friday.  Also, apparently "overnight shipping" means "next business day shipping"), and it works perfectly!  I'll assemble the others soon, and I'll list them on Tindie soon after that.

  • PCB released and ordered

    Clara Hobbs08/06/2017 at 20:59 0 comments

    I just finished version 1.0 of the PD Buddy Wye board, and ordered three from OSH Park.  In a few weeks I get to find out if I made any mistakes!  If not, there will be much rejoicing, and I'll be listing two on Tindie shortly thereafter.

View all 5 project logs

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chris wrote 02/08/2023 at 18:37 point

Would it be possible to make this with 3 edge connectors. I was hoping to use somthing like this to connect my phone to a PD charger and AA headunit. It would be nicer to run a cable from the pcb rather than the pcb directly in the phone

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David BERNELLE wrote 08/05/2018 at 07:34 point


First of all, PD Buddy Sink is a exactly what I’m looking for. I ordered pcb on JLCPCB as it was sold out. I will try reflow soldering 😀😀😀

 What is the data transfer speed for Buddy wye ?

If I connect the first usb-c to my MacBook Pro and the second Usb-c to HDMI adapter and use pd buddy sink to power an lcd screen, does it work ?

Thanks for this project


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Clara Hobbs wrote 11/10/2018 at 20:59 point

Gah, once again fails to notify me of comments on my projects!  Sorry I didn't see this sooner!

PD Buddy Wye only supports USB 2.0 data (480 Mbps) and USB Power Delivery.  SuperSpeed and alternate modes such as HDMI won't work because those pins aren't connected (they'd need impedance matching and more shielding than I can provide cheaply).

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akshayogra wrote 07/25/2018 at 09:13 point

what's the ETA for this? I just got a new car and I'm keen to try Android auto with USB PD charging :)

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Clara Hobbs wrote 07/25/2018 at 13:53 point

I'm currently expecting to have both this and PD Buddy Sink back in stock some time in mid to late August.  If you're impatient, you could hack one together out of two USB cables. (Oh heck, I haven't uploaded a PDF schematic here!  I'll do that soon.  EDIT: uploaded!)

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hilo90mhz wrote 08/29/2017 at 07:08 point

How hard was it to solder the hybrid style USB C connectors? Did you manually solder  the through hole pins on them? Would you recommend them next time or go for the all SMD mount type? Great project thanks!

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Clara Hobbs wrote 08/29/2017 at 13:53 point

The hybrid USB Type-C receptacles aren't too hard to solder (just use plenty of flux).  I manually soldered all the pins, through hole and surface mount.  I'd definitely recommend them for manually assembled boards, since the SMD type generally has a row of pins that's completely hidden under the connector body.

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oshpark wrote 08/28/2017 at 21:41 point

Exciting project!

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