
iPod Nano gen6 LCD Breakout

A breakout board to connect the iPod Nano gen6 LCD to an FPGA

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A project which summarizes and continues on from the excellent Mike's Electric Stuff blog, where he details the reverse engineering and development of a MIPI DSI video generator for the iPod Nano v6 LCD.

Mike Harrison did all the heavy lifting. I just developed this small breakout board based on his notes and will develop an FPGA-agnostic VHDL core to encode image data into a MIPI data stream suitable for this device. The hardware is released under a CC BY-NC-SA license and the source is released under GPLv2.

There are no plans to support the digitizer interface at this time.

You can read more about the project at

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Mike wrote 09/13/2014 at 19:56 point
I try to repeat Mike's projects and just wanted to know. Is your development board fully functional?

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