
some kind of software found

A project log for ESP32 Board - WiFi LoRa 32

Getting in touch with the WiFi LoRa 32 Board from HelTec Automation

supamoe25supamoe25 08/27/2017 at 16:552 Comments

As the Link in the original Dokumentation that i found was not longer available i searched through a few ebay and amazon offers.

Finaly i found something in an ebay auction from DIYmall. The link contains a ~400MB Zip file with the SDK toolchain and some examples more then in the std esp32-arduino package.

Here i found a oled example where the think with the Pin16 pullup was added compared to the std esp32 libs.

i will not add this zip file here or on github cause it seems like there is some copyright violation ( i'm sure it is xD ) triggered here.

But i will upload some off the examples after i took a look at them


michael24h wrote 01/06/2018 at 02:10 point

Could you please  include the links

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Andrew Hasara wrote 08/29/2017 at 13:35 point

Could you include the links from the original documentation and the one from DIYmall?

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