The software didn't start well.
After flashing the Espruino firmware to the first ESP-12 module, I found it rebooted every 10s. I put this down to an errant watchdog timer persisting from a previous use of the module.
I tried with a new module, and found it a bit more stable, but Espruino wouldn't run more than a few instructions without the module crashing.
Having had no problems with ESP8266 projects before, I decided the Espruino developers must be putting out really bad stuff.
After a lot of googling, I decided perhaps the PSU was at fault, so ordered a better PSU (800mA) to replace the 250mA one I was using (which had done fine for all previous ESP8266 projects). This solved it... :)
The Espruino ESP8266 support is ok, but the docs are a bit lacking; in particular, working out how to use SPI and I2C gave me some grief.
Here's the code I eventually got working:
SPI1.setup({ sck:D14, mosi:D13 });
var g = require("PCD8544").connect(SPI1, D15 /*DC*/, D0 /*CE*/, D2 /*RST*/, function() {
Remember, SPI pin labelling isn't TX<->RX like UART; it's MISO<->MISO, MOSI<->MOSI.
i2c = new I2C();
var pressed = false;
function checkKeys()
var k = mpr.touched();
if (k == 0)
pressed = false;
if (pressed)
pressed = true;
case 256: key(1); break;
case 16: key(2); break;
case 1: key(3); break;
case 512: key(4); break;
case 32: key(5); break;
case 2: key(6); break;
case 1024: key(7); break;
case 64: key(8); break;
case 4: key(9); break;
case 128: key(0); break;
case 2048: del(); break;
case 8: enter(); break;
var user_str = '';
function key(num) {
user_str += num.toString();
function del()
user_str = user_str.substr(0, user_str.length -1 );
function enter()
console.log("ENTER: " + user_str);
user_str = '';
function ready() {
//mpr.setThresholds(touch, release); // 15, 8 For typical touch application, the value can be in range 0x05~0x30 for example
setInterval(function() {
}, 50);
var mpr = require("MPR121").connect(i2c, ready);
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