

Aut2Talk is a iOS and Android Application designed to help people with ASD verbalize their emotions and desires.

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Aut2Talk is a mobile application supported on both iOS and Android devices that is used to help people on the autism spectrum communicate with others. Users are able to set up buttons for anything they want to communicate, like certain emotions, needs, or activities. Once a button is pressed, a corresponding video is shown to try to help them express themselves and their needs.

The buttons are all customizable so that the application is generic enough to be used by a variety of people. It also allows you to record their own videos that are played back when a button is pressed.

Aut2Talk was originally created for the TOM (Tikkun Olam Makers) 72-hour makeathon in 2017, which aims to use technology to meet the neglected needs of people living with disabilities.

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Muriel Green wrote 10/03/2017 at 21:02 point

Hi there. This project looks terrific! I will download your app. I am also working on a project to help people with autism communicate. Check out "Talker" There are a handful of others here on Hackaday who are also building communication devices for people with speech disabilities. It's encouraging to meet others who are striving for the same goals. Feel free to reach out to me if you ever need support or encouragement. I will help any way I can.

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