
Star Catcher showing w Harvestworks on Governors Island + special event perfomances

A project log for StAR CatchER VR

Star Catcher, a cooperative physical game. meteor showers in LED/VR . Players move around the universe catching falling .

mpinnermpinner 07/05/2024 at 14:540 Comments

We're honored to be included in a Harvest Works art gallery house on Governors Island to show Star Catcher all summer long! 

may 17 - aug 18 ::

Special event + performance
July 13th :

[July 13th] Star Catcher Performance and Artist Talk by Adelle Lin and Matt Pinner

Join us under the stars for a dance performance and artist talk at the Star Catcher installation. Adelle Lin and Matt Pinner collaborate with the dancer-choreographer Dharma Esmat to explore the mystical tapestry of the universe and redefine the act of creation through dance. Utilizing live tracking technology, Dharma’s movements will dynamically alter the constellation patterns above, creating a vibrant, evolving star field in real-time. This performance invites the audience to ponder our deep connections to the stellar energies that surround us, in a profound moment of cosmic reclamation.

Location: Building 10a, Nolan Park, Governors Island

Date: Saturday July 13, 2024

Time: 2:45 pm

Adelle Lin and Matt Pin­ner Star Catch­eran immer­sive instal­la­tion that encour­ages par­tic­i­pants to engage with their envi­ron­ment in a play­ful and imag­i­na­tive man­ner. Using pro­jec­tion and mag­i­cal objects, the instal­la­tion cre­ates a sim­u­lat­ed night sky that is brim­ming with an ethe­re­al con­stel­la­tion of stars that par­tic­i­pants can catch. 


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