

A compact dual supply DC/DC converter with very low noise LDOs designed to power audio devices

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The MAD PSU D is a split supply DC/DC converter with very low noise LDOs, with USB, DC or external power input (max input is 5.5V), designed for +/-5 V but configurable for up to +/- 15 V, with power output on terminal blocks to provide easy interconnection to all kind of modules, hosting TI line of DC/DC converter and LDOs; USB data lines are offered on a soldering header for easier interconnection

mad psu d.pdf

Adobe Portable Document Format - 90.63 kB - 09/08/2017 at 02:13


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Sandeep Kumar wrote 10/10/2017 at 22:35 point

Nice project Michele :)
Do you have some numbers obtained from real world measurement of the oputput noise on the supplies?

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Michele Perla wrote 10/11/2017 at 16:54 point

Thank you :)

I still can't get decent measures with my scope, I'll post them when I get my hands on some better equipment :)

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