
ATTINY controlled WS2812B-sign

milled Sign + milled Circuitboard + 3D-printed cover + ATTiny + WS2812B = awesomeness³

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I recently bought an used othermillPro and in order to test out the different possibilities with the machine, this project was born. The PCB only consists of a few parts and apart from the WS2812B I had them just laying around at home. The heard of this circuit is an ATTINY85 with internal oscillator, which is controlling the WS2812-LEDs. The case is 3D-printed with the Ultimaker 2 and the sign itself was milled out from 3mm Acrylic in the othermillPro.

I have the OthermillPro now for about an month or so and I played around with a few pcb-designes to test it out. But in order to see the real posibilties of the machine, I wanted to check out different materials. After finding some piece of acrylic in my space, it was clear, that I have to mill it. So why not making a sign or so? :D

And why not making this sign shine bright in crazy colours?

So I started to designe a propper circuit with the WS2812B-Leds and an ATTiny85, which can be controlled by a button in the case.

And that was the point the first problem occurred... I went out of raw material for the pcbs..

It seems that almost no one is sellen FR1 or FR2 anymore... And Othermill ships not to Europe....

So the search began and i finally found a chinese tradesman, who was offering the right ones.

The milled boards are quite nice and are working just perfect!!! For a better look and to protect the copper I added a few layers solder lacquer.

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Shridatt Dudhat wrote 04/08/2018 at 11:52 point

Hi, This looks very nice, Please share the library and code for the same as i want to drive 3 WS2812b LEDs with Attiny45/85...

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Kirschner Christoph wrote 04/08/2018 at 17:12 point

I`m very sorry but it seems that I don`t have the code for this project anymore..  

...But this pdf helped me a lot !!

I hope that this helps you !!

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