1. Upload extsub.ino to your Arduino.
2. Connect your devices as pictured in the diagram (or in step 4 below).
3. Starting with a fresh Raspbian Lite install on your Raspberry Pi, run the following command:
sudo raspi-config
- expand the file system (option #1)
- set the Raspberry Pi to boot to console and turn off the splash screen (option #2)
- enter your locale, timezone, and keyboard layout (option #4)
- finish and reboot
4. Update software:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
5. Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install omxplayer python-dbus python-pip git sudo pip install -U srt pyserial
6. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/jasoneppink/extsub
7. Change to the extsub directory and update config.txt with your details:
cd extsub nano config.txt
(Press ctrl+x, y, then enter to exit and save.)
8. Test that your video and subtitles work:
python extsub.py
If everything is working, press ctrl+c to kill extsub.py, then follow these steps to run extsub at boot.
1. Make startup.sh executable:
chmod 755 startup.sh
2. Open /etc/rc.local:
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
and add this line so extsub starts at boot (assuming user and home directory are "pi"):
sudo -u pi /home/pi/extsub/startup.sh
3. Reboot! Video will begin to play automatically.
sudo reboot
3Killing extsub
If you have extsub setup to run on boot and need to stop it for any reason:
1. Connect the Raspberry Pi to a network, reboot it, take note of the IP address, and log in via SSH (assuming user is "pi"):
ssh pi@[IP Address]
2. Kill all instances of startup.sh
sudo killall startup.sh
LCD Display Arduino 1 GND 2 GND 3 +5V 4 POT terminal 2 5 13 6 - 7 12 8 7 9 POT terminal 1 10 6 11 11 12 5 13 10 14 4 15 9 16 3 17 8 18 2 19 GND 20 -
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