
Puppet animation synchronous to sound

Similar projects worth following is a Raspberry Pi project, that allows to create movement models like: ventriloquist dummies, dance dolls or animal robots, with output of audio data simultaneously to the movement. You may fill your model with life, without the need of any programming.

On the project site ( on one hand, the hardware will be presented and on the other hand, the required software to drive the hardware licensed under GNU V3 is published. The control software is mainly realized in Perl.

Robot heads singing a song. Built using Software 2.0 that allows to have a nearly unlimited number of servos:

Robot face singing "old mac donald had a farm"

A similiar thing as a 3d printable version

The thing can be downloaded from

Here a model in a conversation


This is the g-zipped tar file for the Software version V2.0 that has lots of new features.

x-gzip - 3.46 MB - 03/06/2024 at 16:53


  • 1 × RaspberryPI 3 or Orange PI PC
  • 1 × PCA9685 i2c Controller from Adafruit or similiar
  • 1 × Servos SG90 or similiar

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medeiros1 wrote 09/24/2017 at 22:16 point

Hello jlbrian7,

since bechele1 was not published on this site and is only documented in german, I do not have a BOM. However the hardware was nearly the same, but instead of a Raspi3 I used a Raspi2 model B.

The other electronic parts a identical. I do not recommend to use still the bechele 1 project, since it has some disadvantages and bechele 2 could be also run on a raspi 2, though I have no image for that. But you may use the tar ball.

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jlbrian7 wrote 09/24/2017 at 21:08 point

I couldn't find the BoM for bechele 1.  Do you have a link for it?

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