PCB v1.1 assembled
10/02/2017 at 21:47 • 0 commentsPCBs arrived from Seeedstudio, I promptly soldered them and fired up the device, and it worked (after a few modifications :)
Now on to design and manufacture the enclosure.
NodeMCU challenges
09/21/2017 at 21:27 • 0 commentsNodeMCU is an impressive development platform. However, I encountered some limitations while using it for this project. This is a short writeup about these limitations (to be updated).
Encountered issue Solution Pin numbers on NodeMCU PCB don't match ESP8266 pins Ignore PCB pin numbers. Always refer to ESP8266 pin numbers. Make a schematic symbol which labels the pins as ESP GPIO. GPIO0, GPIO2 and GPIO15 require extra care Use these pins as outputs. They also have pulldowns/pullups, so extra care is required. See here MOSI, MISO, SCLK signals not working Use HMOSI, HMISO, HSCLK PWM only goes to 1 kHz no real solution, use ESP32 if this is too low USB protection diode gets hot at higher currents Possibly a fake diode. To be investigated. Replace with a well-known brand -
PCB and Schematic draft for the 1.1 version
09/21/2017 at 20:48 • 0 commentsCurrently, this is how the schematic looks like:
and the PCB:
This was done in Altium. However, I want to migrate to Kicad, so, after I confirm that this version is working, this will be redrawn in Kicad.
Currently, this version is in production. Hopefully I will receive the boards during the next week.