
PacMan Cube

Interactive video mapping that recreates the game PacMan with 6 interconnected labyrinths in each face of a cube.

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Interactive video mapping that recreates the game PacMan with 6 interconnected labyrinths in each face of a cube.

Players control PacMan and ghosts using wiiMotes commands. The ghosts must hunt down PacMan before he finishes eating all the balls.

Presented on the European Maker faire in 2014, and the Codemotion tech conference in 2015.
  • 1 × Sergio Minutoli He came out with the original idea, and we collaborate on creating the basic software of the projection mapping
  • 1 × Gabriela Baldoni We collaborate on creating the basic software of the projection mapping

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Bruno Laurencich wrote 09/26/2017 at 18:26 point

Well, it's a project made several years ago, but I will try to add some more information. Are you interested in the hardware part? I mean: how the proyection mapping was made.. position of the projector, cube and mirrors, etc. Or arything else?

I can tell you that one of the trickiest part was figuring out how the virtual faces needed to be interconected in order to allow the characters to pass seamlessly from one to another.

And with respect to the ghost AI: It's a very interesting topic, but in this project there wasn't any :) It was a multiplayer game in which one person plays with pacman and the other with the ghosts

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Mike Szczys wrote 09/26/2017 at 14:21 point

This is very cool. I'd love to see more build details on how you put the whole thing together!

I've looked into the ghost AI of the original PAC MAN. Would be interested to hear how you altered it to deal with the multiple gaming surfaces.

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