
Running Gag

A project log for D1 Mini Expander Shield

Add 16 extra GPIO pins to your ESP8266.

dehipudeʃhipu 03/14/2019 at 13:149 Comments

This is really annoying...


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Makerfabs wrote 03/18/2019 at 06:13 point

always happen...

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Gerben wrote 03/14/2019 at 16:01 point

Wash them at 100C. Worked on my clothes. q-;

Or do some deadbugging.

I had the same with some SOIC8, that apparently also has a wider variant. Luckily I could fold the leads under the IC, and make it fit.

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deʃhipu wrote 03/14/2019 at 16:17 point

I have about 30 of them to sell on Tindie, so deadbugging is not an option.

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Richard Hogben wrote 03/14/2019 at 14:32 point

Close! :P

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davedarko wrote 03/14/2019 at 13:19 point

*tssssssop please*

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deʃhipu wrote 03/14/2019 at 13:51 point

ssop, actually, but yeah. At this point I'm considering simply redesigning the PCB...

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davedarko wrote 03/14/2019 at 15:20 point

make it fit all of them? :D

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deʃhipu wrote 03/18/2019 at 16:27 point

I'm actually doing both, we will see what comes first — the new PCBs for the package I already have, or the new chips in a package fitting the PCBs I already have. The race is on!

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