The wheel has some very special features.
If the wheel is freefalling the connection to the stator gets lost and it cannot create any amount of usfull Moment.
If the wheel is accelareted upwards the connection strength to the stator gets increased and the wheel can potentially create more output moment.
A challenge we face is for example that science is not very clear about the concept of s reactionless drive or seemingly reactionless drive. Furthermore it gets confused with overunity. This drive of the very simple type of seemingly reactionless is a material manifestation of it and therefore makes it very clear and easy clear to grasp the concept. First the mind will change and finally this change will change the world. The mind can only understand when he sees a physical prototype but not believes the hot air talking when the mind was somehow convinced by something else before. This project is not addressing problems on a material level. Because the material level is not where the problems come from, and therefore can hardly be solved there, but the physical can speak directly to the mind and this is what this wheel is doing.