The "Dream Inducer" will display the multimedia (via an app) that the user has imported of a subject(A math problem, pirates, a significant other) right before he/she goes to bed. The recent thoughts on the subject will slowly get embedded in the mind and increases the likelihood of dreams surrounding the subject to arise.
While the user is asleep the EEG part of the project will be monitoring the brain waves and waits for him/her to enter REM sleep(When dreams are most likely to occur). While in REM, an audio track(s) will play to signal the dreamer and to bring up the thoughts of the subject. At the end of each REM period, any audio will stop and the EEG is ready for the next REM period.
When the dreamer wakes up, a second run through of the slideshow will assist in remembering parts of the dream.
Sadness strikes. I think there is something wrong with the way I placed the parts on the breadboard. I am getting useless data when I read the output on a scope. I am using temporary diy electrodes because I do not like waiting so I really hope the cheap electrodes are part of the problem. I shall redo the breadboard design.. and upload schematics of everything done so far as well! Better luck next log.
Mid August Parts had arrived. Super excited I already placed a prototype of breadboard. Really messy for now. Its only a prototype for neatness isn't the biggest priority right now. I have yet to test it because I am waiting on electrodes. Hopefully all goes well!
Basic schematics where drawn up. Since I basically know what I will use I know what I should buy soon so I can have the parts arrive asap to build a prototype. Bill of materials includes: Whole bunch of resistors and capacitors INA126 TNA084 atmega328P and other little things.
I kept some project logs on paper I'm transferring the ones I have so far. Late July. At this point I knew little about how EEGs,the heart of my project, work. After looking around and researching I finally grasp the basic concept. Reading lots on filter theory and Fourier transform helped me understand what I am about to undergo. After a week or so of research I felt like I knew enough of Fourier transforms implement it in my project. So far I know what I want to do in mind and also how I am going to implement it. Instrumentation Amplifier -> active filters -> micro controller to do FFT ->Bluetooth.
Engelszahlen sind wiederkehrende Zahlenfolgen, die von den Engeln als Zeichen oder Botschaften gesendet werden sollen. Durch die Interpretation dieser Zahlen sollen wir Hinweise auf unseren Lebensweg und Ermutigung erhalten.
Dreams are much more easily influenced right before REM. if you could wake up the subject so they werent fully awake but still somewhat conscious, then you could blast the desired stimuli to influence the dream and have that stimuli fresh in their mind as they immediately dipped back into REM. I personally tested 20 minute sleeping sessions and observed them on another subject using polyphasic sleep. If the brain is interrupted at the initiation of REM or is under the impression it will only get enough sleep to experience REM, the other stages of sleep will be skipped. during stage 4, the mind can drift away from the thoughts planted just before sleep. In order to influence dreams you should stimulate with very strong smells, sounds, and sights just before the subject slips into REM. these stimuli can aslo be further strengthened through exposure via hypnosis which also gives the opportunity for post hypnotic suggestion. Additionally, dreams are best remembered right after REM with no nearby stimuli that could corrupt and rewrite the memory. waking the subject up right after the dream with minimal stimuli could assist in data collection. Good luck, and you might consider investigating DMT (dimethyltriptamine). Anecdotally the high from it lasts the same duration as REM and the high is similar to dreaming. Dont use the chemical without proper authority and precaution but investigating how it works could provide a breakthrough.
Engelszahlen sind wiederkehrende Zahlenfolgen, die von den Engeln als Zeichen oder Botschaften gesendet werden sollen. Durch die Interpretation dieser Zahlen sollen wir Hinweise auf unseren Lebensweg und Ermutigung erhalten.