I took circuits over the summer, and in lab we made an amplifier that sounded like hot garbage. This inspired me to make an amplifier that actually sounds good and uses significantly less parts. The rest of the project just kind of developed along the way.
This project will have a few stages:
1. The amplifier
2. The visualizer
There is one difference: I added a 100nF cap between the input and potentiometer:
And I am a broke student so my... wiring... is interesting, to say the least. I need to just get a breadboardable aux input:
Oof. And now to the results! It gets loud. I only had one aux cord around, so I had to test it with my headphones. RIP. I used my scope to show the amplification:
Very Nice. Only one problem. It's extremely noisy. The eternal hiss is very much present along with this weird blip: The hiss is probably a mix of my fantastic washi tape wiring and headphone use, but the blip is probably coming from the power supply. I will eventually use a better supply, but I'd like to make it work decently even with a mediocre voltage source. I'm researching it, but haven't come up with any good solutions yet.
Note that R4 is a pot and there is another pot right after Vin. I simulated a 0.1 V sine wave and got this: NICE. All the parts came in now, so onto the building!