A complete project that let you fully use your ESP8266-01 modules:
* use both GPIO0 and GPIO2
* use TX and RX to drive I2C Oled display
* use a wifimanager to handle AP configuration panel
* use a server side script to get questions
* smart assemblied
* show images and animation

How it works
The Mini Quiz checks for wi-fi connection and if there isn't a wi-fi connection it uses a small set of questions stored in its memory.
If during splash screen both buttons are pressed the ESP8266 becomes an Access Point and the admin can configure the wi-fi connection credentias and the url where the game will retrieve questions and answer to play.
The game start displaying a question and playing for 60 seconds. When you answer a question right you gain 1 point, when you choose thw wrong answer you lose 1 point.
At the end of 60 seconds the game ends and you score is shown.
As you can imagine, the Mini Quiz has a part online which is a php script that pass a random question and answer to the ESP.
This project has taught me a lot. Would like to share it with the team members of https://testgriffor.net/ so that they could also read it and can implement something new in our running projects.