How to make the supercon badge display your name.
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C Source File - 2.17 kB - 11/12/2017 at 00:49
C Source File - 2.21 kB - 11/11/2017 at 23:50
C Source File - 1.94 kB - 11/11/2017 at 23:17
h - 1002.00 bytes - 11/11/2017 at 22:20
Looks exactly the same. Code different.
At the top:
#define rainbow_numberofcolors 7 const unsigned short rainbowcols[rainbow_numberofcolors] = { rgbto16(255,0,0), rgbto16(255,165,0), rgbto16(255,255,0), rgbto16(0,128,0), rgbto16(0,0,255), rgbto16(75,0,130), rgbto16(238,130,238) };
In the start:
unsigned int barheight = dispheight/rainbow_numberofcolors; for( i = 0; i < rainbow_numberofcolors-1; i = i + 1 ){ plotblock(0, i*barheight, dispwidth, barheight, rainbowcols[i]); }
Added a version to make rainbow stripes, hard coded the longway.
right now, super lazy hardcoded way.
plotblock(0, 0, dispwidth, 20, rgbto16(255,0,0)); plotblock(0, 20, dispwidth, 20, rgbto16(255,165,0)); plotblock(0, 40, dispwidth, 20, rgbto16(255,255,0)); plotblock(0, 60, dispwidth, 20, rgbto16(0,128,0)); plotblock(0, 80, dispwidth, 20, rgbto16(0,0,255)); plotblock(0, 100, dispwidth, 20, rgbto16(75,0,130)); plotblock(0, 120, dispwidth, 20, rgbto16(238,130,238));
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alternatively you can download the files and import them in to the project with your prefered method.
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Luke J. Barker
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