This project is a result of an obstacle i encountered while fixing a device containing an SPI FLASH memory, which couldn't be erased due a non volatile protection bit being factory set - and a fact the programmers/their software i had at hand couldn't handle it.
I ended up using flashrom + a piece of custom functions written in C using the wiringPi library.
This gave me an idea, that a RasPi + a dedicated bus level translator/buffer, installed flashrom and a huge flexibility of using C, python and other programming languages to perform custom operations would make a very versatile flash/eeprom programmer, an open source one.
The operation is very simple, all this board does is to buffer and level translate the native 3.3V SPI and I2C into one of the available voltages: 1.6V, 3.3V, 5V or into an externally provided one.
All design details are posted in the linked github repository: