On to Stage 2 of the NSFWIN Mozilla Challenge
04/27/2018 at 05:06 • 0 commentsOn to stage 2 on the National Science Foundation Mozilla wireless challenge.
Now working on a working prototype with benchmark performance
data for the June 22 deadline.
We just received our LimeSDR Mini ( https://www.google.com/search?q=limesdr%20mini ) 2 weeks ago. We are now trying to
get it to up and running and having some problems with missing
UHD drivers. The support library integration is not seamless as one would
expect from a newly release product.
Interestingly the LimeSDR is out of stock so we can not useit as a backup. My HackRF is not bi-directional so it
is not a usable option as it can
not send and receive at the same time.
After this step the greatest challenge is figuring out how to
benchmark the system without access to expensive
hardware and software load simulators.
LimeSDR Mini radio protocol stack updates
12/01/2017 at 01:07 • 0 commentsGood to see a GSM base station stack:
LTE repeater stack:
and WiFi stack:
arleady get implemented on soon to be release little brother of the LimeSDR, the LimeSDR mini.