
How are you? Errr... are you alive?

This is a non-invasive breath detector, lungs thermometer and other breath parameters logger

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The idea is to detect breath and measure breath parameters in a non invasive way.

By counting the number of breath taken, the ratio between inhale/exhale time, the temperature of the exhaled air, and by logging the data, we can analyze the lungs health or measure athletic performance.

Also, internal lungs temperature can be supervised.

Measurements are based on a very sensitive (miligrade Celsius) Texas Instruments I2C temperature sensor and an I2C enabled micro controller from Freescale.

First try:

3D Printing AVR Arduino Art Audio Automation BeagleBone Bluetooth Cameras Clock Drones Environment Hardware IoT LED Medical Music Radio Raspberry Pi Remote Control Robotics Rockets Satellites Science Security Software Virtual Reality Wearables

  • 1 × TMP112 Sensors / Temperature, ThermalI2C temperature sensor
  • 1 × FRDM-KL25Z Freescale dev board - a random board that happens to have an I2C enabled MCU

  • ​Current version of software added to GitHub

    RoGeorge06/29/2015 at 13:03 0 comments

    Current version of software added to GitHub:

    3D Printing AVR Arduino Art Audio Automation BeagleBone Bluetooth Cameras Clock Drones Environment Hardware IoT LED Medical Music Radio Raspberry Pi Remote Control Robotics Rockets Satellites Science Security Software Virtual Reality Wearables

  • Recycling a project

    RoGeorge06/28/2015 at 16:14 0 comments

    I like the idea from this project too much to let it die.
    Let's give it a spin this summer!

    3D Printing AVR Arduino Art Audio Automation BeagleBone Bluetooth Cameras Clock Drones Environment Hardware IoT LED Medical Music Radio Raspberry Pi Remote Control Robotics Rockets Satellites Science Security Software Virtual Reality Wearables

  • An even bigger surprise

    RoGeorge08/21/2014 at 10:59 0 comments

    An even bigger surprise was when I realized that the sensor is so sensitive that it can detect with no problems the breath temperature.

    That was the moment when the applications start to arise:

    - breath counter

    - lungs thermometer (by monitoring the exhaled air temperature)

    - breath logger

    - breath parameters monitor, i.e. the ratio between exhale and inhale time

    - athletes training/monitoring equipments

    - breath exercise training (helping techniques for yoga breath, voice singers, etc.)

    - instant skin temperature measurements and so on

    3D Printing AVR Arduino Art Audio Automation BeagleBone Bluetooth Cameras Clock Drones Environment Hardware IoT LED Medical Music Radio Raspberry Pi Remote Control Robotics Rockets Satellites Science Security Software Virtual Reality Wearables

  • Surprising results

    RoGeorge08/21/2014 at 10:51 0 comments

    The surprise was when the device could easily detect a finger touch of the sensor. That was because the thermal inertia of the sensor is very small, and the finger instantly change the sensor's temperature. Nice.

    3D Printing AVR Arduino Art Audio Automation BeagleBone Bluetooth Cameras Clock Drones Environment Hardware IoT LED Medical Music Radio Raspberry Pi Remote Control Robotics Rockets Satellites Science Security Software Virtual Reality Wearables

  • Draft software

    RoGeorge08/21/2014 at 10:48 0 comments

    At the beginning, a very simple algorithm was implemented. The microcontroller read the sensor by I2C interface and changes the color of a LED when an increase/decrease in temperature is detected.

    3D Printing AVR Arduino Art Audio Automation BeagleBone Bluetooth Cameras Clock Drones Environment Hardware IoT LED Medical Music Radio Raspberry Pi Remote Control Robotics Rockets Satellites Science Security Software Virtual Reality Wearables

  • How it started

    RoGeorge08/21/2014 at 10:46 0 comments

    This idea has born by a simple curiosity about an I2C sensor produced by Texas Instruments. The sensor is very sensitive, it has an incredible resolution of only 62.5 mili Celsius grades (*C).

    3D Printing AVR Arduino Art Audio Automation BeagleBone Bluetooth Cameras Clock Drones Environment Hardware IoT LED Medical Music Radio Raspberry Pi Remote Control Robotics Rockets Satellites Science Security Software Virtual Reality Wearables

  • Procrastinator entry

    RoGeorge08/21/2014 at 06:40 0 comments

    I will add one more ideea to the competition, then came back here and update this project

    3D Printing AVR Arduino Art Audio Automation BeagleBone Bluetooth Cameras Clock Drones Environment Hardware IoT LED Medical Music Radio Raspberry Pi Remote Control Robotics Rockets Satellites Science Security Software Virtual Reality Wearables

View all 7 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    Because the project is at it's very beginning, the detailed build instructions will follow soon, immediately after the idea and the software will begin to stabilize.

View all instructions

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Marko Dragoslavic wrote 12/30/2015 at 15:40 point

Hey I did something similar. First name of project was: "Is grandpa alive ?" :)

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PointyOintment wrote 08/21/2014 at 18:12 point
Is "on the knee run" an idiom in your native language? It doesn't mean anything in English.

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RoGeorge wrote 08/21/2014 at 20:34 point
Yes, in my language it means "quick and dirty", poor, improvisation , something done without investing any resources (the knees are used instead of a table when doing something).

Thank you for letting me know!

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