
HaD Prize 2014 Statistics (Unofficial)

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*Unofficial* statistics gathering for HaD Prize entries. If you come up with anything fun, leave a comment!

Raw number of entries as of 8:31 AM CST on 8/21/2014: 792

Number of entries containing a video link: 538

  - incidentally: only one Youku user : )

Number of entries with at least 4 project logs: 480

Number of entries with at least 4 project logs AND a video link: 445

Odds of project landing in quarterfinals (top 50): one in 8.9


Number of valid entries that didn't change the default photo: 6

Number of entries containing the word "Arduino": 249

Number of entries containing the word "Raspberry": 108

Number of entries containing the phrase "3D Printer": 47

Number of entries containing the phrase "555 Timer": 5

User boolean points out: "501 Projects tagged with "TheHackadayPrize""


YouTube playlists of HaD entries.  Videos culled from entries with video link - some are not "contest entry" but just progress update, etc.  Split into four playlists because YouTube limits to 200 videos / playlist.

As noted by davedarko: "wow, so if every 445 put up a 2min video, this means 15hours of video material!"

14hrs, 50mins to be exact.


RoGeorge provided this insight:

"At the moment when the input data was sampled,
- there were 718 hackers with a total of 791 projects

- 1 hacker with 6 projects ( )
- 3 hackers with 4 projects each
- 10 hackers with 3 projects each
- 39 hackers with 2 projects each
- 665 hackers with 1 project each"


This chart shows submissions over time.  Orange line indicates projects which met requirements, while blue displays all submitted projects (so, obviously, orange < blue).

The final 7 days accounts for over a quarter of both submissions and valid entries:

Submissions (final week) = 259

Submissions (all other weeks) = 533

Valid Entries (final week) = 120

Valid Entries (all other weeks) = 325

The busiest day was Aug. 20, with 75 submissions (27 valid), although the best day for validated entries was Aug. 19 at 38.  Incidentally this reveals a discrepancy between time and time: 51 further submissions (13 valid) arrived on Aug. 21, the day after the deadline : )


Project Log statistics - this chart shows the number of project logs per project.  Most people posted either 0 or 4.

Average number of logs per project: 4.284 logs

Average, 0 excluded: 5.693 logs

Average, 4+ only: 6.765 logs

Top three bloggers:

* (44 log entries),

* (49 log entries), and

* (57 log entries!)


Thanks to user rawe, who provided this awesome chart tracking daily image uploads to over the past few months, along with significant dates!


Since there are tags on projects, there can also be tag statistics!  (Excluding "thehackadayprize" here, as it was by far the most common tag).  Tag cloud from the list of valid entries.  You guys with completed projects are way ahead of the game.

Top 20 tags, with number of uses:

28 ARM
19 LED
18 IOT
18 AVR
12 CNC

1,220 tags were used only once.  Some personal favorites...

"#SoMuchSpace", "Canada Eh?", "Cthulhu", "DidIMentionAwesome?", "Earl Grey Tea", "For the good of all of us" / "Except the ones who are dead", "Gizmo for You", "High Likelihood of Crashing", "Mind Control", "NOT Arduino", "Pee" / "Poo", "Purple Monkey Dishwasher", "SimpsonsDidIt", "Space Jellyfish", "SPAAAAACE", "SPAAAAAAAACE".

True to Hackaday spirit, only one person mentioned SAFETY.


Complete list of valid entries (note: excludes qualifier for "system diagram", so may be inflated). ...

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PointyOintment wrote 08/21/2014 at 17:48 point
What I'd really like to see is a graph of submission frequency over time for both projects entered and projects not entered into the contest. I noticed something like 40 projects posted in the hour before the deadline (about 2/3 entered), and only one in the hour after the deadline. Projects do have creation dates on the left side, but creation times aren't publicly available, so I hope they include that if they do release official statistics.

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Greg Kennedy wrote 08/21/2014 at 18:05 point
Will be happy to work on date graph(s) as soon as I get the YT playlists pruned. Thanks for the tip!

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PointyOintment wrote 08/22/2014 at 05:32 point
Thanks! That's a huge spike at the end there. I'm not surprised to see that the last day has a relatively low proportion of valid entries; I noticed a lot last night that were just stubs. Though it's a bit hard to see which point corresponds with which date; could you post a version with vertical gridlines, or just the last half with a wider x-scale? (The raw data would work too, I guess.)

I had an idea for getting the creation times, but it didn't work. I thought they appeared in the feed, so you could just subscribe to every entry and scrape the feed, but the feed only shows relative dates. :/

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boolean wrote 08/21/2014 at 17:27 point
shit, my number is not listed. Is just creating a project sufficient to be an entry? Or is there something else I have to do?

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PointyOintment wrote 08/21/2014 at 17:51 point
There are a lot of other things you had to do. From a quick glance at your page, I noticed you missed:

- two more project logs (four were required)
- a "TheHackadayPrize" tag
- official entry into the contest!

I suggest you make your next project a time machine ;)

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RoGeorge wrote 08/21/2014 at 17:52 point
Seems like you missed the instructions for how to apply for TheHackadayPrize.

1. You should have tagged your project with the tag "TheHackadayPrize"
2. You should have submitted your project for the contest by pressing the button "Submit project to...". The button is in the left side of the page, under the project pictures.
3. You should have put in the videoclip "About" section (on your YouTube movie page) a link to your Hack A Day project.
4. You should have put a tag "TheHackadayPrize" on your YouTube movie page.
5. You should have put only one movie of maximum 2 minutes, not a playlist
6. You should have post at least 4 entries in your project log on HaD site.
7. You should have put a page or schematics with "System design" where to explain/draw the ideea from your project.

Anyway, congratulations for your project, i like it.

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boolean wrote 08/21/2014 at 18:13 point
Where were you guys yesterday:

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davedarko wrote 08/21/2014 at 18:33 point
I don't think stack is well visited, the feedback line on the other hand is full of advices around that, as well as the blog was :(

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zakqwy wrote 08/21/2014 at 19:12 point
it'd be nice if Stack was a bit more prominent. or maybe used more by HaD folks, or something. could be a good system.

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davedarko wrote 08/21/2014 at 19:14 point
stack should be followable. off to the feedback page...

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boolean wrote 08/21/2014 at 20:16 point
Where is the feedback page/line you speak of?

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davedarko wrote 08/21/2014 at 20:27 point It's a good place to drop questions, bugs and features. You can find the link in the drop down menu where your projects and profile is linked. On there where details listed and the rules specified that.

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rawe wrote 08/21/2014 at 16:52 point
is there a chart activity-over-time etc. available?

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Blecky wrote 08/21/2014 at 17:04 point
This would be easy to do for project creation, each page has a creation date. Go go gadget Greg!

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Greg Kennedy wrote 08/21/2014 at 19:18 point
Wish granted.

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rawe wrote 08/21/2014 at 22:34 point
just did one myself in the meantime based on the data available on the image bucket:

As this is "image uploads per day", it should correlate with overall "content creation per day".

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rawe wrote 08/21/2014 at 22:44 point
...ah and they just used up 0,028 ppm of their indexing range

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Greg Kennedy wrote 08/22/2014 at 01:53 point
Now that is a sweet chart! Added to the details. How did you get that data?

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rawe wrote 08/22/2014 at 12:12 point
1. get directory listing from image server as xml with bucket API
2. xml-kung-fu to get just the "last modified" attribute as text file
3. python datetime to timestamps, numpy histogram with (timestamp[last]-timestamp[first])/60*60*24 bins
4. convert bin names back to datetime, then to string, export as csv
5. create open office chart / notes added

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davedarko wrote 08/21/2014 at 16:43 point
wow, so if every 445 put up a 2min video, this means 15hours of video material!

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Blecky wrote 08/21/2014 at 16:52 point
That's going to be fun to judge :P

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davedarko wrote 08/21/2014 at 19:10 point
and 26h for 790 projects... and I've seen some videos with 3 - 5 minutes and rarely 10+ minutes...

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Szabolcs Lőrincz wrote 08/21/2014 at 16:23 point
Should've registered to YouKu to get more attention...

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Greg Kennedy wrote 08/21/2014 at 16:09 point
A great misuse of the Google YouTube API and some PHP mangling, and we now have YouTube playlists of all the entries. I actually screwed it up on creation and included ineligible (no project log) entries too. Oops. Gonna try to remove those now.

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Greg Kennedy wrote 08/21/2014 at 17:52 point
Hey, check it out, I found a bug in Google's YouTube API!

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zakqwy wrote 08/21/2014 at 15:26 point
It would be nice to see when the projects were actually submitted to THP. I'm guessing there was a massive spike in the last week or so.

Also--three digit HaD Prize project submissions unite!

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RoGeorge wrote 08/21/2014 at 15:53 point
And only one project in the list has 2 digits

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Greg Kennedy wrote 08/22/2014 at 02:35 point
Just added stats for project logs, congrats on being the wordiest person on the site (?!)

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zakqwy wrote 08/22/2014 at 11:59 point
Haha thanks Greg. I guess I have a tendency to share a lot about my current project. It's actually been pretty helpful; lots of great comments that saved me a ton of time.

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Greg Kennedy wrote 08/21/2014 at 14:40 point
Getting the video IDs from the entries. Start with this script:

open (FP, 'video_list.txt') or die $!;

while (my $entry = <FP>)
chomp $entry;
print STDERR "Opening entries/$entry...\n";
open (FP2, "entries/$entry") or die $!;

my $found_a_link = 0;

while (<FP2>)
if ($_ =~ m/(?:youtu\.be|youtube\.com)\/(?:embed\/)?(?:watch\?)?(?:v=)?([A-Z
print $1 . "\n";
$found_a_link = 1;
close (FP2);

die "Failed to find link in entries/$entry\n" if (!$found_a_link);


There will be lots of duplicates, so
$ ./ | sort | uniq > playlist.txt

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davedarko wrote 08/21/2014 at 14:43 point
I think those should be logs..

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Benchoff wrote 08/21/2014 at 14:31 point
Well which one has the Youku?

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RoGeorge wrote 08/21/2014 at 14:16 point
I did myself a small statistic too, for the fun.

I know what you are wondering...
- No, I do not have access to the Had database.
- No, I did not hacked the HaD!

Just grabbed the text only (with CTRL+C/CTRL+V) from the HaD wabpage that lists all the official entries to TheHackadayPrize and put the text in a spreadsheet. Then, filtered the rows strting with text "by ", in order to select just the hackers names. Make a pivot table to extract a list with unique names and to count how many project submitted each hacker.

There were about 790 projects and about 760 hackers, I don't remember the numbers.
What I know for sure is that a lot of hackers submitted more then one project to the competition, the most number of project for one person being 6.

I don't have the table with me and I'm a little bit lazy to redo it. I'll post the exact numbers when I'll arrive home.

What strikes me is that the official submitted page is showing a number of about 700-800 projects, but if I'm opening the project page and select the tag TheHackadayPrize, the webpage says that there are about 500 projects only.

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Greg Kennedy wrote 08/21/2014 at 14:42 point
Good idea on counting the number of different hackers! I'll have to add that as a statistic too.

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PointyOintment wrote 08/21/2014 at 17:53 point
>There were about 790 projects and about 760 hackers, I don't remember the numbers. What I know for sure is that a lot of hackers submitted more then one project to the competition, the most number of project for one person being 6.

Very interesting! I had been wondering about this recently. A histogram would be really nice (though you'd probably have to do this: ).

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Greg Kennedy wrote 08/21/2014 at 14:13 point
Searching for video links:
$ grep -li 'youtube\.com\|youtu\.be\|youku\.com' * | wc -l

Counting project logs:
$ perl -ne 'print if ($_ =~ /View all (\d+) project logs/ && $1 > 3)' * | wc -l

Doing both at once:
Dump video list to file, then replay it on command line to count project logs:
$ perl -ne 'print if ($_ =~ /View all (\d+) project logs/ && $1 > 3)' `cat ../video_list.txt` | wc -l

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Greg Kennedy wrote 08/21/2014 at 13:46 point
* Pull the master list:
$ wget
* Perl script to grep for project IDs:

open (FP, 'list') or die $!;

while ()
if ($_ =~ m//)
$list{$1} = 1;

foreach my $key (keys %list)
print $key . "\n";

* Pull all the entries to local subdir:

open (FP, 'master_list') or die $!;

while ()
print "wget -q -O entries/$_$_\n";
`wget --no-check-certificate -O entries/$_$_`;

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Greg Kennedy wrote 08/21/2014 at 13:50 point
Markup ate my while conditions, it's typical
while ( <FP> )

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Greg Kennedy wrote 08/21/2014 at 14:44 point
And my regex in script 1
/<a href="\/project\/(\d+).*">/

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