
A Channel on RAMPS Shield over Arduino Uno

Figured out how to activate A drive independently from XYZ. This allows a fourth independent motor for CNC

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Figured out how to activate A drive independently from XYZ. This allows a fourth independent motor for CNC


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  • for A Channel on RAMPS Shield over Arduino Uno

    steves.x.y.z.cnc11/25/2017 at 01:41 0 comments

    Another problem I found with driver boards is they have amplifiers on the chip for "step"
    that picks up ac hum like touching an input on a regulator sound amp making annoying buzz sound.
    When operating a driver with a stepper motor ,will buzz too.
    I found soldering 2-470k resistors from "step" and "dir" to ground will shunt buzz problem without interfering with operation and reversing directions with no motor hesitation.
    Now the hard part.TO do the "enable trick" may involve another Arduino uno,nano or ATiny85 to be a slave to the Arduino uno cnc shield to co ordinate enable trick and 555 osc. to your main operation will require some programming skills.
    I haven't got that far but will try doing so and publish my findngs.

  • for A Channel on RAMPS Shield over Arduino Uno

    steves.x.y.z.cnc11/25/2017 at 01:38 0 comments

    Another problem I found with driver boards is they have amplifiers on the chip for "step"
    that picks up ac hum like touching an input on a regulator sound amp making annoying buzz sound.
    When operating a driver with a stepper motor ,will buzz too.
    I found soldering 2-470k resistors from "step" and "dir" to ground will shunt buzz problem without interfering with operation and reversing directions with no motor hesitation.
    Now the hard part.TO do the "enable trick" may involve another Arduino uno,nano or ATiny85 to be a slave to the Arduino uno cnc shield to co ordinate enable trick and 555 osc. to your main operation will require some programming skills.
    I haven't got that far but will try doing so and publish my findngs.

View all 2 project logs

  • 1
    Stepper motor and driver

    A trick this person found, is running a stepper motor with a driver board connected up without Arduinos or any computer.

    To do this is make a small circuit monostable 555 oscillator.

    Then output with a 10k resistor to “step”pin and motor will spin.

    Low pulses and high pulses will operate as a regular dc motor.

    The Rx and Cx on the 555 circuit the “RPM”also “dir”still

    Operates. Cool trick.

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