• scripts for sceduled lrpt reception and decoding

    tim.addison11/25/2017 at 20:36 3 comments

    I've been working on a ground station to receive LRPT images from the Russian meteor-m2 satellite for a while now.  The scripts for automated recording, decode, and uploading are working reliably now so I thought I'd share.

    All of this work is based on haslettj instructables guide, I modified his scripts to work with the tools below  to receive and decode LRPT signals. 


    In addition to the tools haslettj uses you'll need to get the following setup and working. Most are pretty self explanatory.

    Reception and QPSK decode

    I hacked up Otti's gnuRadio flow graphs to work from the command line for easier scheduling. There is a single input variable for the output file name. The output is a .s file which works with artlav's meteor_decoder tools.

    You'll want to change the rtl=xxx string on line 52 to work with your rtl device ID.

    This py needs gnuRadio 3.7 or newer installed, use your package manager.

    Image decode

    artlav's meteor_decode handles taking the captured qpsk data and turning it into a bitmap.


    i'm using prasmussen's gdrive tool to upload the decoded image to my google drive folder.


    The github of my modified scripts is here.  Create a soft link to schedule_all so that it runs as a  cron task daily.  You'll need to modify each of the scripts to work with your own home directory location.  The qpsk decoder is dumping the received data into a file on a ramdisk. This is to lower latency and prevent gnuRadio from complaining about buffer overruns "OOOO".