I've looked into the IN-12 library to make a "Nixie Board" PCB on which nixie tubes are mounted.
Libraries could find many kinds of things on Google. However, most were slightly different from the datasheet or fitted to typical nixie tube sockets. So I decided to create my own library. Because I decided to use pins from D'SUB instead of a socket to plug in a nixie tube, I also made the hole size for the D'SUB pin. The library contains IN-12A and IN-12B. I uploaded my library.
Strangely, nixie tubes' pins didn't fit slightly with the datasheet. Even with each nixie tube, the pin position was slightly different.
So it doesn't fit slightly with my library. You need to modify the pin position slightly to fit into your tube. Alternatively, you can increase the size of the hole so that the pin can fit into the hole.
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