
RPi Internet Weather Station

This project uses 4D Systems’ 4DPi-35-II. 4DPi-35-II acts as the primary display of this RPi Project.

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The Raspberry Pi Internet Weather Station project displays the weather information such as temperature, humidity and successive weather forecasts.

The Raspberry Pi Internet Weather Station project displays the weather information such as temperature, humidity and successive weather forecasts. This project uses 4D Systems’ 4DPi-35-II.  4DPi-35-II acts as the primary display of this RPi Project.

The 4DPi-35-II is a 3.5" 480x320 Primary Display for the Raspberry Pi, which plugs directly on top of a Raspberry Pi and displays the primary output which is normally sent to the HDMI or Composite output. It features an integrated Resistive Touch panel, enabling the 4DPi-35-II to function with the Raspberry Pi without the need for a mouse.

Communication between the 4DPi-35-II and the Raspberry Pi is interfaced with a high speed 48Mhz SPI connection, which utilises an on-board processor for direct command interpretation and SPI communication compression, and features a customised DMA enabled kernel.

The 4DPi-35-II is designed to work with the Raspbian Operating System running on the Raspberry Pi, as that is the official Raspberry Pi operating system. It also supports the new PIXEL addition to Raspbian.
Read more.

  • 1 × 4DPi-35II
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi 3

  • 1
    Set Up

    Connect the 4DPi-35 to Raspberry Pi 3.

  • 2

    Recommended application to use for SSH connection:

    Mobaxterm -

    Steps in Raspberry Pi Weather Station


    When download is complete. Untar the file

    sudo tar -xzvf pywapi-0.3.8.tar.gz

    cd pywapi-0.3.8

    sudo python build

    sudo python install

    cd ~

    dpkg-reconfigure tzdata


    sudo unzip

    cd Weather

    sudo nano


                    # Larger Display

                    self.xmax = 800 - 35

                    self.ymax = 600 - 5

                    self.scaleIcon = True           # Weather icons need scaling.

                    self.iconScale = 1.5            # Icon scale amount.

                    self.subwinTh = 0.05            # Sub window text height

                    self.tmdateTh = 0.100           # Time & Date Text Height

                    self.tmdateSmTh = 0.06

                    self.tmdateYPos = 10            # Time & Date Y Position

                    self.tmdateYPosSm = 18          # Time & Date Y Position Small


                    # Small Display

                    self.xmax = 480 - 20

                    self.ymax = 320 - 5

                    self.scaleIcon = False          # No icon scaling needed.

                    self.iconScale = 1.0

                    self.subwinTh = 0.065           # Sub window text height

                    self.tmdateTh = 0.120           # Time & Date Text Height

                    self.tmdateSmTh = 0.075

                    self.tmdateYPos = 1             # Time & Date Y Position

                    self.tmdateYPosSm = 8           # Time & Date Y Position Small

    And change with self.w = pywapi.get_weather_from_weather_com(‘ASNS0055’, units='metric' )

    This will change to the desired location by replacing the value ‘48085’ to ‘ASNS0055’and the units to be use from ‘imperial’ to ‘metric’. You can find your location by visiting

    Ctrl + x

    Press Y, and enter.


    cd Weather


    sudo nano .config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart


    Go to the bottom of the last line and add the line below. Save and exit.

    Then we need to open the terminal after the raspberry pi boots up. To do this type the code below.

    If all are correct, set to run after boot up. Edit the file .bashrc, this will be executed when you open the terminal. Go to the bottom of the file and add the lines below. Save and exit.

    Test the file by typing,

    Save the file,

    Look for the line w = pywapi.get_weather_from_weather_com( '48085', units='imperial' )

    Look for the line # Larger Display and put “”” before the line to uncomment and look for the line tmdateYPosSm = 8           # Time & Date Y Position Small and delete the “”” below. This will use the small display. It should look like the code below.

    Open the file

    Go to the folder

    Unzip the file

    Download he Raspberry Pi Internet Weather Station by

    Reconfigure tzdata

    Go back to the folder /home/pi



    Go to the folder

    When installation is successful, connect thru SSH and download python weather api.

    Connect to SSH, download and install the 4DPi-Kernel. Follow the instruction on the 4DPi-35 II Datasheet.

    Set up network connections (, Enable SSH (, change password and restart.

    Install the latest raspbian OS that is available on the Raspberry Pi website . Follow the installation guide.

View all instructions

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ScottG wrote 09/09/2019 at 18:47 point

Not to belittle your project, but how is a 75$ device better than an old cellphone pointed to a weather website?

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