
The Golden Snitch

A project log for Obsidian

Hacking MorningStar

morningstarMorning.Star 04/30/2019 at 05:2510 Comments

Well, this was unexpected.

It seems they are getting desperate. So desperate in fact they are willing to break yet more of their regulations seemingly in an attempt to compromise me.

I mean, who do they think I am?

Well, I'm no snitch for starters, so that aint gonna happen.

I'm unconvinced as to whether this is another desperate attempt to entrap me somehow, or whether they are genuinely so corrupt they will just waive their own protocols to wriggle away.

Of course its not fine for a highly dangerous man to illegally do Bea's care, but I dont see as allowing just anyone else to do it as a solution.

There is a solution, but they are obviously trying to destroy me as they wont consider it.

One thing I have done is suggested that I run the care home that Bea is placed in. As it happens the one Keri will accept suddenly has no manager due to illness. I hope I had nothing to do with that because I get on well with the man, but he was responsible for sending home the two fancy dress costumes and may even have had a breakdown. That sucks, and I wish him well.

So I told Igor how Bea wants both the care home and myself, how I wanted paying legally for my input, and how he didnt want his ass sued fired or bitten again, so me running the place ticked all the boxes. And the idiot typically completely ignored me.

I've been thinking very seriously over the last few days about just giving up. I dont want to spend the rest of my days doing this, and I dont want to be the man that breaks our social care system without being able to fix it either.

Bea doesnt want this, and the only alternative now is institution, which she has learned to handle by exposure to it.

Ruined. Destroyed. All my hard work teaching the girl good habits and fostering a pleasant attitude so she can live in the community is down the drain, and I'll have to spend years rebuilding that if I can because her trust is now gone too.


That is the worst. Driving a wedge between us behind my back is unconscionable anyway, Doing it with the knowledge she cannot tell me what lies they have told her is outrageous, I cant fix this. I wont live like it either, so its time to walk away before someone is hurt.

What happens afterwards really is up to me. I can just keep walking til I hit Manhattan, or I can stand and fight for justice, but either way I have lost everything I have worked for and just have a round of applause for it and I am not happy about that.

I was born to change the world, that much is clear to me, but how - that is the question. I have to change it to free myself so I can use the gifts I was given, and that says to me fight for justice.


salec wrote 05/02/2019 at 05:53 point

What is a CRB? Ah, never mind, got it: Criminal Record Bureau. 

OK, now ... This guy is asking you to disclose the of contents of CRs of undisclosed number of individuals who are potential carers, so that he could potentially pre-approve some of them, so that they could apply. The CRB information is not public, I presume, but any prospective employer can acquire it on a candidate for a position, and for certain positions, e.g. involving a responsibility for persons with special needs, passing CRB check is a must, am I missing something there?

So, what is the potential damage here for the would-be carers that you are preventing? He's not asking you to report on them, but to list what's already been reported on them, which he will get to see anyway when the hiring process starts. 

Or am I having a wrong perspective?

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Morning.Star wrote 05/05/2019 at 08:00 point

No, not a wrong perspective, just not exactly how this works... CRB checks are documents held by and for individuals to validate that they dont have a criminal record, they are only held by individuals who need them, and they used to be held by the organisation that requires them. There used to be a fee for each check but now they are online and transferable from one job to another.

What he's doing is waiving these checks on a per-case basis, and the checks exist as a legal requirement for all as well as to prevent abuses of the system and maintain its standards. It isnt so much as I'd be employing criminals; they are my neighbours and dont want to know about being profiled. Me either, and I'm gettiing a bit tired of being tested. But Social Services would be breaking their own regulations to prevent breaking their own regulations, to cover up broken regulations. As they are now being investigated by law enforcement for breaking regulations, both I and prospective carers are somewhat nervous of breaking them ourselves. I already am, under Social Services dispensation and against my wishes, hence my anger.

They tried to make me responsible for this mess they made, and I was [ahaha], now the mess needs clearing up and it isnt my problem anymore [ahaha]. My role is now to manage, not clean up... So I told them to get on with it, and sent in their own enforcement arm just for good measure, and there's an uncomfortable silence...

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am... XD

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salec wrote 05/05/2019 at 11:46 point

Ah, so basically, you are telling him "I've got some nice ladies here, who would be willing to care for my daughter, but they would be inconvenienced by the procedure" and he replies "perhaps they didn't done anything terrible". I didn't recognize his cynicism right away.

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Morning.Star wrote 05/08/2019 at 04:53 point

TBH @salec I dont know what to think about it. He's supposed to be independent and his job is to administrate my staff's wages which are paid by the government directly to them so I dont handle cash [i might steal it and use it to pay a solicitor].

It's my job to source and manage staff using their procedures now, after I took over management myself - however I'm having trouble finding staff. I'm getting a lot of attention because I'm a local celebrity instead.

After one of my staff developed a serious crush on me and then quit, I'm now left trying to fill the gap with agency staff that are paid by Social Services on a contract, but they are inadequate, and the only alternatives are institute care that Bea doesnt want, and home care that I dont want.

My friends are urging me to move politically and attempt to get in a position where I can change things myself, but Prime Minister isnt my calling, and I wont serve those dirty bastards as anything less... So, regrettably I'm back with the slow and tedious process of litigation. Luckily for me I now have Law Enforcement behind me, and thats another reason I cant find staff among the community; I'm terrifying enough to average everyday normal folks as a shady hacker-type monster, and now I'm the boss. Actually, not, I'm just now eye to eye with Igor both as managers, and he knows he's beaten, so he hides in his ivory tower.

Daren's right, I'm just wasting my time with him, but if I dont the Social will just sit and do nothing until I tell him to tell them what to do, and they tell him to tell me they cant.

Its pathetic, and a judge is going to sort it out... ;-)

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MasterOfNull wrote 05/01/2019 at 07:59 point

I honestly think you are doing yourself a disservice with the witty banter with these people.  It makes for a good read, but what are you actually accomplishing with it?

You have their attention which is a miracle in and of itself, and I believe the use of your first name was no accident.  This is something with people skills does when they need to change the dynamic, and is generally a calculated attempt at building a bridge.  Where that bridge is going to end, I can't tell you.

I know it must be incredibly frustrating given what they have done to Bea through their actions, but try to find a way forward if you can.

Keeping the tentacles crossed for you.

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Morning.Star wrote 05/01/2019 at 16:24 point

Thanks buddy :-D

As ever there is backstory, it wouldnt be fair to share though. This is enough to demonstrate manipulation by Social Services in court though, if you wondered why I've published it. I've asked him numerous times not to act as a go-between, Igor ignores my emails and messages and tells him to tell me, and he does.

I have no control over this, and I dont want to turn the guy into something either. Igor on the other hand is nursing burned fingers and some painful bites and wishing he'd never met me. I make no apologies for being a total bastard to my enemies, but this guy isnt one of them... ;-)

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Dr. Cockroach wrote 05/01/2019 at 00:14 point

Could be used as Sushi but doubt it......So, Igor can't handle the heat directly ;-)

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Morning.Star wrote 05/01/2019 at 16:51 point

Heh. Yeah, I have demonstrated I can throw Igor around like a ragdoll if I am provoked. But it doesnt alter my basic quest when he tries, this is just a distraction.

He's going to have to face the fact that he's making me scrape up after a disabled person, which prevents me from realising my dreams and my potential. Its unethical if I were just somebody, but I am not just somebody.

I'm not arrogant enough to keep banging on about that, but fuck this dude. We are al equals, and I dont have a barcode tattooed anywhere. I do have a Hackaday skull tattoo tho... ;-)

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Dr. Cockroach wrote 04/30/2019 at 10:36 point

IDK Jez, It's easy for me to say to keep on fighting till your out of fight but the truth might be that's what someone wants. Seems the letter to you was rather odd by addressing you by your first name, very much off the record....Getting close to something bigger? IDK...

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Morning.Star wrote 04/30/2019 at 20:20 point

That damned organisation is the bane of my existence. Its like a zombie, I've ripped out all its vital parts, even used its own arm to strangle it but nothing works. Thrashing and gurgling for 5 years now since I kicked its teeth down its throat... ;-)

Seriously tho, this guy is an independent, he's kind of like an interface to government payroll and I dont have any issues with him, other than his extraordinary sense of humour. We are on first name terms, but Igor insists on using him as a go-between and he does so willingly despite my annoyance. I think he enjoys it actually, he knows I can only reason with him over it and it saves his best buddy from a mauling because he's also a lot smarter than Igor is.

He also doesnt look very appetising...

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