Again, the twisting lengths the government go to, to shirk responsibility and slink away unpunished when it goes wrong.
I'm not calling this social worker incompetent any more than the last, and she should not have been allocated in the first place. Employing disabled people as social workers is disgraceful, the allowances I had to make for her, and her guide dog, and her aide, were nothing short of bully tactics. As was using her disability to protect her from recriminations when she made a mistake. Drag a disabled person into court and question their competence to obtain compensation? No, not me either...
This one is a carer himself, and a musician, and I can honestly say he hasnt done a thing to offend me. Actually hasnt done anything at all, but thats not enough to warrant tearing his head off and mailing it to HQ with my terms stuffed in it.

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You are giving them just enough heads up to let them know that a mighty storm is about to be unleashed.
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