11/19/2019 at 18:49 • 1 commentAwesome.
Prior to the meeting, the minutes for which having been made confidential, the benefits agency sent me this gem.
Hench, confident of his latest work, had informed them of an imminent change in my circumstances...
It made me sweat a bit, until the Best Interests Meeting where he was removed from the case.
However, I breezed in there and told them he'd been removed, and filled in enough blanks to incriminate the council without thumping Igor. He'd called me earlier in the day to discuss things and was rather anxious as to what I'd be declaring.
Well, I didnt see any point in shooting myself in the foot with sanctions, so I kept it brief and stuck to the point.
They didnt seem bothered by the fact I'm owed all that money, because they have a solution. One that I've been scared away from with rumour, and advised against by WSCC employees - for good reason.Universal Credit still isnt universal, and its still broken, but they have fixed some of the problems. Its designed to be fair, where existing benefits are not, and up til lately wouldnt support me.
Turns out the benefits agency arent the ogres they have appeared to be either thanks to the likes of Hench's skullduggery and are actually on my side.
So the UC deal is:
1 ) Over twice the income a month compared to Income Support
2) I can work as many hours a month I like so long as I declare earnings
3) I can earn nearly £300 a month before it affects UC, and then 60p for every pound over the cap is deducted from UC.
4) All of my rent is paid on top of the above figure directly to the landlord (and the Council can suck it).
5) I also still get Carer's Allowance on top of the above, £64 a week, until it is paid via UC eventually.
I can save up enough money fairly quickly for a solicitor to drag the District Council into a magistrates court and get my moolah back - meanwhile Igor has suddenly 'found' an advocate who can negotiate with them and is setting that up in any case.
Blunt Tools
11/07/2019 at 23:03 • 1 commentI'm still waiting on the minutes.
In the meantime, I gave the MP a prod. I mean, this is getting a bit daft. Clearly they didnt think this through very thoroughly as usual.
Walking all over these dozy bastards is pretty easy really. Thats another social worker who wont be trying their hand against a MorningStar.
I took a crucifix and bent it into a ball with my bare hands in front of everyone. Was there any symbolism to that? I dont know, I'm a Holist, so it probably means more to someone with a more passionate faith than it does to me. One thing was agreed, nobody had seen anything like that before, so I kept it for my name, although weirdly I'd already chosen it, and I discovered the formula later.
Someone is obviously on my side.
Its not the first time I saw something before it happened, either, I have many paintings. The last was barely started, and will remain unfinished seeing as it is of another of their weapons I saw coming. Luckily, she wasnt present, or Igor's sexual harassment accusations would have been met with a painting of a princess, with a unicorn.
Poor kid. I felt sorry for her, so that couldve been a lot worse.
That brings the grand total to sexual, mental and physical abuse of a disabled person, fraud, neglect, negligence, criminal psychology, radicalisation, terrorist acts, and recently delusion and sexual harassment that local authority have aimed at me in an attempt to cover up ADC's fraud and their collusion.
Hopefully Hench is being chastised for failing dismally at smearing me, after they sent in a blind woman and guide dog before him. Perhaps they expected her to trip over the evidence so she could sue me for damages as well.
Just cant make it up.
Get a f*ing court order, or take a hike you frauds. Provide decent care, and give me my money back, or expect this to get a fuckton heavier with every iteration.
Both Barrels
10/24/2019 at 15:49 • 3 commentsIgor, Master of Understatement has spoken.
He seems to think that just because I lost my temper and shouted at Hench for slandering me that gives him some form of authority over me.
He's wrong about that, but then he's woefully ill-informed by his subordinates. Well, I guess that will teach him not to delegate mitigation to the moron that caused the problem in the first place.
Social Services consider themselves both a safety net for victims, and civil enforcement for protagonists, as well as liaison and signposting for the organisations that make up the social care sector. As a result, they think of themselves as part of local authority.
Unfortunately they are staffed by busybodies and do-gooders with almost zero training - social worker is a vocational career and the best qualification to become one is to be a survivor of something. Speaking from experience, trauma clouds one's judgement of a situation, and psychological damage doesnt qualify anyone as experienced.
Hardly social, and not a lot of service. Luckily, being a civil organisation, they dont have automatic power of attorney and have to apply for it through a judge like anyone does. Even a police officer has limited authority if there is no threat to order and law and only in a public place. I should know, I've spoken to quite a few recently about this as they visited me in my home looking for weapons, evidence of abuse, criminal activities and the like.
Needless to say they didnt find anything but an extremely irate man and his disabled daughter struggling without appropriate resources, with an unbelievable story. Which they then investigated, validated, and reported to Social Services to resolve.
They didnt, so I took the law into my own hands a little and snarled at Hench until he ran and hid behind his supervisor. Well Igor isnt about to admit authorising any of his filth, which is why he reinstalled Hench after allegedly disciplining him while he was suspended for the Ombudsman investigation.
I wondered how he got away with that. Igor gave him a holiday and told him to lay low, did absolutely nothing.
Not this time...
Sticks and Stones
10/19/2019 at 06:51 • 1 commentHench attempted a coup, and failed - for which he has paid the ultimate price.
At the beginning of this year Hench's reputation was in tatters. He'd failed to provide any service whatsoever and annoyed me to the point of threatening litigation, so in desperation I employed two near neighbours using funding from the government as carers for Bea. Yeah, I know, and it didnt work out so well...
Later Hench discovered probably the worst care agency in the country and sent them in. Bea and I befriended one of the carers, a girl half my age pregnant with twins who complained about her boss and the conditions her job imposed on her elsewhere. Probably a mistake, but I had words with her manager about that, and offered my services to assist the old bag with her micromanaged and inefficient scheduling that needed dragging into the 20th Century first, and then updating with a mobile solution. That didnt work out so well either, she threw the contract and lost yet another mutual friend of me and Bea. These people are as rare as unicorns...
Back to today, and I still dont have carers after months of Hench telling me it was impossible to find someone despite advertising. Now, granted it is extremely hard to get anyone to do anything these days without flashing significant cash at them, but now I find out he's been taking the piss.
I began to get frustrated and left a few less than polite messages asking where my services were and managed to upset him, whereupon I got called delusional, and dangerous, and some kind of sex pest regarding the carers. It got real nasty but thats invariably water off a ducks back to me. However it transpires thats what he's been telling the carers, and naturally being short-staffed they just wont take the contract.
In these circumstances, two carers are required to attend for their own safety. And they dont have spare carers, so...
Well, I hit the roof.
Next thing I know I'm again denied access to our legal framework as DoLs back out - Thanks for that BTW, that was really helpful - and I'm right back to Square One with Hench.
Oh, really. Well you understood wrong.
And no it wont, and I'm perfectly aware who the legal advocate is, so they can take a hike.
And you can look all you like, but unless you can provide decent one-to-one care that doesnt involve me doing or supervising it on benefits - or me being thrown onto the streets in debt, branded a failure and a pervert, then you arent going to like my views very much.
And I dont recall asking you to do any of that in the first place, you pompous and officious little rodent.
So I called Igor, and enquired whether he had authorised or even condoned Hench's behaviour and intimated that if he did, I'd sue his stupid ass for it personally instead of Hench's. No, wait, as well as.
I was rather indignant XD
Igor has learned to respect me, and only had Hench deal with me because he isnt skilled enough. Thats why he chose Hench, who he sees as an expert in care and a part-time rock star, thinking I'd respect him automatically. Well Igor has been wrong about a few other things lately, and agreed that was perhaps a poor choice.
Hench is gone then, and wont interact further. Hooray!
I also reminded Igor about my lack of representation at said meeting, and reminded him I was on a waiting list for an advocacy service, and he took it upon himself to prioritise that as well. Next thing I know, I have an assessment for an advocate and the meeting has been moved to the 5th Nov...
The day before Bea's birthday as it happens. It is also an auspicious day in the UK. From Wikipedia...
Guy Fawkes Night, Bonfire Night, or sometimes Firework Night.
An effigy of Fawkes, burnt on 5 November 2010 at BillericayGuy Fawkes Night originates from the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, a failed conspiracy by a group of provincial English Catholics to assassinate the Protestant King James I of England and replace him with a Catholic head of state. In the immediate aftermath of the 5 November arrest of Guy Fawkes, caught guarding a cache of explosives placed beneath the House of Lords, James's Council allowed the public to celebrate the king's survival with bonfires, so long as they were "without any danger or disorder".
I swear Igor has a sense of humour somewhere, but I cannot detect it in his speech patterns.
Getting On My Wick
10/16/2019 at 19:22 • 9 commentsDoLs pulled out, stating that as they were in fact not asked to authorise Bea's care at the time of the incident they did not have a case to put to the Court of Protection - and therefore would not be assisting me.
Thats the final straw, I'm not going to be slandered and fucked over by those monsters for a measly £14k, the council can keep it. The social's Best Interests meeting next week will be focused on Bea getting one-to-one care and me getting passage out of this fuckhole debt free without me terminating anyone.
I'd rather go work for Ada than put up with this. No brainer. For my daughter I'll put up with a lot, but hands and knees scraping up body fluids again, nah, not to be laughed at, and not to be slandered as delusional, dangerous, or some kind of pervert even for money.
Bea doesnt have a problem with it, she hates this house, is fed up with the builders and the unfinished park and from the looks of it, me as well. I'm sick of her walking around naked, and this latest BS with the contraceptives that DoLs have also neatly sidestepped just leaves me hanging.
The carers also predictably didnt want to touch the contract and also quit.
Well, Shit.
So do I then.
They can keep their web of lies and struggle for control, Imma just walk out of here. Before they do drive me mad, or I do hurt myself or someone else.
In The Nick Of Time
10/12/2019 at 09:40 • 3 commentsPoor Hench. He really hasnt got a leg to stand on. Its Garthoks all the way down...
I've begun sharing this recent document chain with the agencies that are involved, but not with Hench. He's on his own, and he's going to find out what it feels like when some arrogant tosser with a big stick annexes your resources and support.
Those weapons turned out to be very useful when he dropped them and ran like a coward back in his Ivory Tower after attempting to wield them against me.
He's really professional too. "...delusional little man, nothing; just a carer and nothing more... weird... dangerous..."
I've been called far worse, and you can bet he has.
And, as I have just had to deal with Bea's period that I knew was going to hit me this weekend, I've just reported it as an offence and cited Hench as the abuser. I'll do it again tomorrow too.
He's going to wish he'd never heard of me by the time I am done.
Again and again.
This time I tagged the report with the ones about Candid Camera Guy and Pussy Galore, for which I have file references. I shouldnt have to do Police work for them, but when it comes to it I want a nice cohesive report detailing all the offences that I can present to the Court of Protection.
If I leave it to our understaffed and overworked law enforcement, it will be a pile of random complaints and visits to my property that mean very little - if I can even get them all together in a report.
They do actually have better things to do with their time than chase their own masters for corruption I guess, and we're too busy having fun.
Well, most of us are. The Tentacles never rest, even when I sleep. -
Down To The Wire
10/03/2019 at 15:02 • 3 commentsIt doesnt matter if your entire government is corrupt, and your PM even defies the Supreme Court in a vain effort to wrest control from his people. They still cant get away with it unless you let them.
And I'm not.
Brexit is a sham, but not for the reasons you'd think. Boris wants to use the opportunity of regaining the UK's lawmaking ability to consolidate Central Government's power over Parliament, who debate the laws ratified by the Supreme Court. He'd rather control rested in his fat and grubby hands. And if he has his way, we the people can say goodbye to the last shreds we have of our rights that are currently still protected by the
Which I am denied access to by our legal framework - which I am also denied access to by the changes made by this administration. I cannot get Legal Aid to take Local Authority to court for fraud and rights abuses against myself and my daughter, and I have had to fight tooth and nail just to get recognition from the various agencies within it that I am literally enslaved by these additions to our already broken system.
I've been spied on, lied to, defrauded of thousands of pounds and my daughter has been coersively institutionalised and injured by neglect more than once to hide these transgressions until they can be further marginalised in the wake of the new laws created by regaining control in the wake of Brexit.
Now they want me to defraud the benefits agency, claiming I am disabled by my daughters disabilities for the rest of my life because I am her carer - when they could in fact provide that care themselves. It IS law after all.
The whole case hinges on whether Bea has capacity to make her own decisions, a duty that has been accorded to me as a carer and advocate, however as I am not volunteering for this duty willingly that advocacy isnt recognised.
Enter Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding Team, a part of the Court of Protection.
This agency was engaged by Social Services in an attempt to get authorisation to keep Bea at a care home until recently - they gave consent for her to be detained and her freedoms restricted, and for decisions regarding medication and treatment to be made for her. They couldnt overrule me legally however, and were more than horrified to learn that they had trampled my rights by accident - they didnt know I existed, because Social Services lied to them. And now, having learned of the full story, are in the process of putting an application in to the Court of Protection to discuss the details of it in front of a Judge.
One of the things authorised by DoLs is medication. Bea's been placed on a contraceptive pill, which helps with her demeanour as well as prevents bleeding. She doesnt need contraception, and that was only done to make it easier for the carers to manage her personal care. She's about to run out of these pills and as a male I am not entitled to procure them for her. They literally wont give me them because I'm a bloke, and the care homes have been securing them for her during her Respite breaks with DoLs permission.
It was the only legal way Social Services could force me to continue caring myself - and now I have annexed DoLs that reign of terror is over. As soon as the course finishes I'll have to deal with her bleeding again, and I've already managed to establish this is a violation of human rights with the help of the police.
They have given me advocacy, which means that if I were to be forced to deal with this again I'd have the right to report each day's care schedule as an assault and cite the social worker as the abuser by proxy. Nasty, dirty, shitty interdepartmental war between two halves of our governments enforcement arm...
I called them and reminded them about the bomb ticking in Bea's knickers
And all hell broke loose.
So on Monday I now have a care agency visiting to negotiate Bea's care, and I can rest knowing that our legal system will mitigate the rights abuses. It wont get my money back off the infinitely corrupt District Council, and it probably means I will remain indefinitely on benefits supervising Bea's care so it isnt a major step forward, but it has broken the back of my enslavement.
I'd like to thank Boris for being a hugely amoral, overweight and narcissistic bigot [*censored], and MP Nick Herbert for doing absolutely fuck-all to help in this seeing as thats all my hard work. Round of applause, NOT.
I would like to thank @Dr. Cockroach for his support, which was genuine, in writing to my and his administrations with his views on the subject. Just that threat seemed to be enough to scare the authority into action seeing as the national papers are too busy giving Boris an audience.
At request from @Starhawk and my furry friends, here are some kittens.
They were delicious, thank you. Point taken. XD
Call To Arms
09/16/2019 at 06:45 • 1 commentAs I wrote in #I Want To Be A Hacker which probably says it best...
I backed up my last email first to The Sun, and @Dr. Cockroach also has emailed them enclosing my story, which is at https://hackaday.io/project/29260-obsidian/log/168260-press-release-2 if you havent been following along.
I dont blame you, but FFS, right? This cant go on.
Please, do me and Bea a favour and email The Sun or one of the UK's other national papers with your take on it if this annoys you. Doesnt matter where in the world you are, and even if its just a few lines, every word counts.
Momentary Lapse Of Reason
09/13/2019 at 12:26 • 9 commentsI may have upset Hench a little.
I dont usually lose my temper with him, despite our differences of opinion, but after the tabloid I chose to bust this story open declined to even contact me [Hello, The Sun. Really helpful of you, thanks] I was already a little truculent.
I'd left him a message, and feeling particularly pensive I bought a bottle of rum to calm my nerves and completely forgot all about that. I only had a glass, it wasnt like I was drunk when he called me back to update me on his progress. He told me proudly of having put out an advert, which had 64 responses to it, all negative.
That pissed me off though. Nobody answers an advert to say they arent interested in the contract on offer. They ignore it. Unless of course they have good reason not to, in which case they will complain. Well if they had complained about me or Bea in some way as part of their refusal Hench would have gleefully heaped it upon me, so obviously his advert did nothing but rile the care sector who are underfunded, understaffed and overworked and already refusing to assist Social Services at a national level. I'm requesting that the advert and the responses to it be made available; as her care manager I should have been copied in as a matter of course.
I also remonstrated with him about the neglect leading to Bea being injured and then treated more than once in care, and he denied all knowledge - which explains why DoLs are so ambivalent. They have been lied to, and have two conflicting stories, one from a Social Services manager, and one from an irate advocate with an unbelievable story that probably counters the manager's diametrically. What the DoLs Practitioner SHOULD do in this situation is apply to the Court of Protection for a ruling based on an assessment of the situation, but thats not possible until Keri has a recognised advocate in the form of a deputy, and they wont recognise me formally as in authority.
I may have called Hench fucking useless - and to be fair he had a right to defend himself - but he blamed the carers that his organisation are responsible for, so they all got called fucking useless too. Then he tried his usual tack of blaming the economy, and the government got called fucking useless as well. I think he knew he wasnt on a winning streak, because he then switched to email.
* https://hackaday.io/project/29260-obsidian/log/168245-madder-than-mad-jack-mcmad
For the non-musical [ Hench is in fact an accomplished musician ] I should explain.
6-8 refers to a time signature in musical notation. Most modern music is based on 4-4, a system where the timing is divisible by two's which makes it easy to dance to. 3-4 is pretty specialised and is heard mostly in Waltzes, and 6-8 is rarer still and most often found in Jazz... And nobody can dance to that nonsense lol.
I think he liked the cussing better, because presently this appeared.
Which put a stop to the emails until this morning, when I could call Disability Living Allowance who are a pain in the arse to get hold of.
Yes folks, thats what an apology for being fucking useless looks like. He hasnt done a single thing that me, him, his manager and the housing agents agreed on so they'd get their money. I'm keeping my end of that bargain, and the agents backed up so rapidly there was a disturbance in local space-time.
That explains then, why the District Council kept my tenancy open for 5 weeks after I signed the new lease and continued to raid my bank account for it, and you guys think I'm a Time Traveller. XD
However, speaking to DLA when I finally got through was most revealing.
Which all basically boils down to
a) Bea is entitled to full Housing Benefit just through having the High Rate Care component, however she is also entitled to High Rate Mobility by the DoLs assessment of her behaviour and capacity that requires her liberty to be monitored.
b) I am also entitled to my own DLA award because my capacity is impacted by Bea's disability, which prevents me from working, and I should have been made aware of this by Social Services.
c) ADC are lying through their teeth, and have incriminated themselves and the housing agency by misinforming them of the regulations off the record.
d) Social Services have incriminated themselves by keeping Bea at a care home without consultation or authorisation, and misappropriating funds to hide it.
Press Release #2
09/04/2019 at 18:12 • 12 commentsOK, I've rewritten it taking @salec 's kind comments into consideration.
I'm sorry if this sounds like I'm stomping around, but I have to get the message across somehow and drawing on the awesome things you guys have said about and to me is really all I have.
And now I dont fit through a normal door anymore. ;-p
My name is Jez Boxall,
although outside of the UK I’m better known as Morning.Star.I’m a carer, my eldest daughter Keri [Bea to her friends] lives with me because she has severe learning difficulties, but still wishes to live in the community rather than be literally locked up in a care home and largely ignored – worse, have all her property stolen repeatedly, and be neglected to the point of injury. That only happened because Social Services repeatedly kept attacking me, her carer and advocate, to try and institutionalise her anyway. I’ve been unfairly accused of everything from narcotics and alcohol to sexual abuse, and the charges dropped when Social Services couldnt provide evidence, overruled, sanctioned, thrown out of my home, defrauded by local authority, my reputation smeared and my work destroyed and finally been enslaved by a corrupt authority as a carer on benefits, unable to work or realise my potential, and unable to obtain justice for me and Bea.
Since then I have been kept in poverty to prevent me getting legal assistance, on Income Support, and forced to do all the care work myself, unpaid, and against regulation – as an adult male I’m not really allowed to help with female personal care, but my daughter doesnt mind as I’m her dad. Its me who has issues with her walking around naked, and with her periods, and bathing, and, and…
I should have a female carer come in daily to assist her, but Social Services are incapable of supplying one, and insist she’d be better off in a home. Under these conditions they may even be right, but Social Services created these conditions and I’m her dad so I wont betray the trust she has in me. Besides which, as soon as they have their hands on her I’ll be made obsolete and thrown onto the streets in debt, branded a failure, and unable to speak for her when she is again abused.
I am also better known as Morning.Star [1] to the rest of the world. I have world records to my name [2], awards and accolades, and even things named after me [3]. I’m an influential member of an international organisation of makers called Hackaday [4], where I release my work and research into robotics and artificial intelligence, and computer engineering [5], and have fun taking things apart and making crazy new things out of the pieces. I also post my artwork [6], music, and musings on the world, and talk with some of the worlds most intelligent people - my friends, who I might add are disgusted with what I’ve had to endure in this country. But they are unable to help, merely watch in frustration. I’m known in 34 countries, not including the UK where I am just marginalised.I’ve been compared to Tesla, to Escher, to Turing, and to DaVinci in the last two years, also to Superman and Batman, Doctor Who, James Bond, and a few lesser known but equally legendary figures from modern culture too. And lately, my story has been described as Dickensian, which I’m not so happy about.
I’m a multiple genius working across 7 distinct fields, and some of the things I have done are truly mindblowing. I built a tiny version of a popular geek toy that turned out to be the worlds smallest, so I made one half the size and have plans to build one half that size when I have the funds. The techniques I created and adapted for this piece have now been adopted into the maker community and restarted a trend of hand-built ‘Deadbugged’ electronics design, this time in miniature. And after Nintendo realised what a great idea making robots out of cardboard was, they took that and created Labo, and didnt even credit me (or Hackaday) for it, [7] despite the project giving me my name and reputation. [8]
Because of all this I’m now exposing the corruption in our social care systems and local authority that runs all the way to the top. My story begins 19 years ago with my then partner, and the kids’ mother, attempting to kill me on 3 separate occasions during Bipolar episodes, which she suffered increasing regularly over our years together. She was never prosecuted as a result, and in fact was given counselling and therapy and allowed to stalk me and the kids for years while we hid in fear, unsupported. Finally after 6 years of that, Social Services intervened and gave me Respite, a service that they had denied even existed, as they deliberately neglected me hoping I’d fail. I didnt of course, and managed another 8 years exemplary care during which time I built my first robots, learned to paint and play numerous instruments, and researched mathematics and physics. When I’d all but completed AIME, a humanoid biped, and AIMOS, its operating system
West Sussex County Council
Spent 5 years attempting to institutionalise my daughter repeatedly using its social care arm to execute a planned intervention aimed at separating a vulnerable person from her advocate and carer because
Arun District Council
Made a mistake 20 years ago with her carer benefits leading to a £14,000 rent overpayment that they do not wish to reimburse. That's because they then sent in Social Services five years ago with an unsuccessful smear campaign - Accusations of drugs, alcohol, physical, mental and sexual abuse, criminal mental instability, neglect and fraud from a blind social worker from
Social Services Adult Disability Team
Complete with guide dog and handler, who came to my home and told me that despite having zero ability to communicate with Bea, she'd established that she wanted to be institutionalised, overruling me as her advocate and cutting me off from all the resources needed to care for her. She was dragged kicking and screaming with all her belongings to a series of
Care Homes
Where she was neglected to the point where all her clothes were lost/stolen and replaced with a jumble-sale. Including by now 6 x £25 of bra's carefully chosen to fit and support her, without underwires. That resulted in her being given an underwired one several sizes too small that cut her, and then broke so the underwire pierced her breast and caused an infection severe enough to warrant medical attention. This episode was covered up by Social Services and I only found out because
Called on me at our home to treat her, when she was in fact being held illegally in care - hence the medical services being called to where she was officially resident. I cant really find fault with the NHS / Mental Healh services, they have been supportive even though they cannot do a thing.
They cannot treat me - there is nothing wrong with me - and they cannot counsel me for the trauma caused by all this until it is over; I have presented myself to a psychiatrist on numerous occasions, and each time been thrown unceremoniously back out of their offices because I'm genuinely a multiple genius with a historic IQ and have skills rivalling that even of DaVinci himself.
Accomplished artist and designer, singer-songwriter and multi-instrument musician, author and poet, programmer and mathematician, amateur roboticist, philosopher, and carer. These are the things that define me, but I’m capable of so much more.
My last instruction from a doctor [the only authority I actually respect enough to defer to] was to get my daughter out of care and take over the world with my robots. Which I did, thanks to
Who literally saved my life having become suicidal during the first three years of my enslavement at the hands of the State. Instead, supported by the combined intelligence and honour of some of the smartest people on our planet, rewarded for my efforts with prestigious awards and accolades, copied by some of our most powerful technologists, and handed a reputation for excellence that backs up a 20-year exemplary care history marred only by a corruptive authority. Who after all that could only be relied on to change the law so they could not be punished for their sins, and then finally completely revoke their remit to provide dispensation under those laws, blatantly trampling both human and disabilities rights in the process. Finally they rescinded our right to accommodation and transferred us to a
Private Housing Agency
Who promptly installed us both in a brand-new built estate isolated in the countryside with no access - the road is unpaved and filled with dangerous traffic including building works as it is still being built around us. Mud, noisy and dangerous vehicles, irate homeowners unhappy with paying a third of a million for a house that borders a social housing estate, with no playpark. Its not a place for children, let alone disabled people.
Within weeks I was threatened with eviction by the agency for non-payment of rent after Arun District Council again denied owing me money and instead tried to force me to continue paying the shortfall in rent that led to them owing me so much in the first place. Social Services then intervened and admitted that they had been engaged by the local councils to cover up this illegal mess by getting rid of me and taking Bea into care. However, as they had failed and now were working to cover this up, they stepped in and prevented the eviction, confirming to the agent that an eviction would precipitate vastly damaging legal action against the whole of Local Authority.
Leading to today, where I have a report from the Police that the 'Gentleman' who has been covertly filming and photographing me and my neighbours had been engaged by none other than the housing agency presumably under the instruction of Social Services, to gather enough evidence of 'antisocial behaviour' in order to kick me and my neighbours out now they have sided with me over the quality of our housing provision. [Quality it is not...]
Unfortunately for them, anti-stalking legislation is now in force thanks to our government's ridiculous policies and archaic laws that dont keep up with the times. With the advent of Farcebook, of Drones, etc, we now have laws that prevent individuals from taking footage of each other and posting it on Social Media without their express permission, punishable by heavy fines.
To whit, its now illegal to spy on someone as the housing agency have done, so after the manager and her lackey were then caught snooping around late at night and called on my neighbour with the excuse they were patrolling – which frightened her so much she called me – I then called local Law Enforcement to verify that spying on us was in fact illegal, which it is of course. So
The Police
Investigated the housing agency and social services, and are supporting me to regain my right to work and earn a living, reacquire the capital stolen by the District Council and continue to ensure Bea's wellbeing as I have always done without being enslaved to do so in poverty. They do this after apologising profusely to me for disturbing my work and peace, having established that I am not the threat my government seems to think I am. 4 visits it took for them to do that, looking for bomb parts, weapons, evidence of radicalisation, and questioning me on everything including my personal beliefs.
They found nothing but cardboard robots, artificial intelligence, my computer, my guitar, and a box of oversized condoms, and left after recording my details as a ‘highly dangerous care manager’ - with some humour - noting my work as ‘historic’, but they cannot intervene in a civil dispute even though it has become somewhat uncivil.
I AM still a threat of course. The legal ramifications of what Local Authority has been caught red-handed doing this time, publicly, and to a historic individual as well, are extensive. Leading to hundreds of thousands of pounds compensation for rights abuses causing loss and trauma, for slander and libel, for fraud, for discrimination, and for systemic and complicit corruption. Finally
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding Team
Are now preparing to give me access to a courtroom where I can speak for my daughter, however despite having lapsed Parental Responsibility and Custody (she is now 25), Formal Advocacy, Duty of Care, and Responsibility of Care for Bea I still need to pay a fee of £360 to deputise myself so I can speak on her behalf and tell our story. But, despite
Local Government Ombudsman
Investigating all of this twice I’m still denied legal assistance, and I dont have the money for a solictor. LGO recognise that my and my daughter’s rights have been trampled, but can only intervene to recommend a resolution and have been completely ignored right up to the CEO of West Sussex County Council, who simply swept us into his bin twice because he’s accused of fraud himself. The list of aggressors is lengthy.
Laura Potter, the blind social worker engaged by the County Council to coersively institutionalise Bea by cutting off her resources and unjustly accusing her carer (me) of a list of abuses with no evidence.
Sue Coldham, ex Social Services manager, authorised this action and then when it failed attempted to cover it up from her promoted position of Ops Manager for Learning Disability, West Sussex. Her signature on the funding for Bluebird Care, a national agency, caused them to withdraw the contract I had negotiated because they are prioritising private care due to lack of staff following the Brexit fallout, and will not take work from the State.
Nathan Elvery, CEO of West Sussex County Council and Sue Coldham’s boss, twice ignored Local Government Ombudsman instructions and interfered with their investigations leading to him being exposed as having defrauded WSCC out of a Housing Relocation Grant that he didnt use to relocate to Sussex, keeping his posh house in Epsom and the money.
Andrew Theodoridi, the replacement social worker who for the last few years has interfered with GP and Mental Health, benefits, funding and resources, and even interfered with job interviews to keep me on carer benefits, while he denies Bea Personal Care to force me to do the care work myself.
Paul Rogers, his manager, who after investigation removed Andrew Theodoridi from Bea’s case and then re-instated him to resolve [AKA cover up] the mess he made trampling our rights.
Leanne Moore and Richard Vandermark, the housing agents from Worthing Homes, who are threatening us with eviction, spying on us, and perpetuating Arun District Council’s fraud and Social Services rights abuses.
Nintendo, who took my work on Cardware and are selling it globally as LABO despite Creative Commons Attribution, and I dont see a penny. Thats for two reasons, one being Income Support that allows me to earn exactly £20 per week from my skills, and the other being that Nintendo arent prepared to recognise the originators of their ripoffs, in this case selling an empty flatpacked cardboard box for 60 quid a pop. That was an education.
Arun District Council, who overcharged me just under £15 a week for rent for 14 years while I was a single-parent carer against regulation by mistake, and then involved Social Services to institutionalise Bea and rid me from their housing list to hide it, rather than pay back the £10k accrued. Then, failing that continued to hide it until recently, revealing the £14k reason behind the 5 year bloody battle I’ve had with Social Services and themselves over care and accommodation.
The entire document chain
Is published in a redacted form with public commentary in https://hackaday.io/project/29260-obsidian covering the last two and a half years of my campaign to rid myself of the harassment that’s largely prevented me from doing much, much more.
[1] My profile at https://hackaday.io/Jez.Boxall
[2] The current world record holding https://hackaday.io/project/161111-smallest-4x4x4-led-cube-yet
[3] Adafruit’s DotStar LED strips, https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-dotstar-leds/overview
Hackaday.io, and its third of a million members
https://hackaday.io/hackers[5] Some of my research and early work https://hackaday.io/project/162833-nostalgia
[6] Some of my artwork and music https://hackaday.io/project/19774-malleo-magicis
[7] Nintendo’s Labo, AKA Cardware https://hackaday.io/project/19920-cardware
[8] The MorningStar and its geometry, and a little philosophy https://hackaday.io/project/19920-cardware/log/65973-a-brief-interlude-in-time