now that ive had the breakout boards populated and wired ten in a chain, i need to have some kind of test code. having more than one led means that now i want to have more than one color displayed.
the first prototype code had 4 bytes per data-gram "RR BB GG VV" red, blue, green, intensity value. and that color would be displayed on all leds. now, ive just duplicated that project. every group of 4 is one led, therefore 10 leds should take a 40 byte data-gram. not an earth-shattering bandwidth.
Interpreting the data was straightforward. i used a quick function to chunk the data into 4 byte arrays....thats it. everything else is the same as dealing with one led.
from machine import Pin
from apa102 import APA102
import usocket
port = 5500
clock = Pin(14,Pin.OUT)
data = Pin(13,Pin.OUT)
apa = APA102(clock,data,numPixels)
def chunks(l, n):
"""Yield successive n-sized chunks from l."""
for i in range(0, len(l), n):
yield l[i:i + n]
def setPixelRaw(index,r,g,b,val=31):
def setPixelStr(index,s):
if len(s)<3: return
r= s[0]
g= s[1]
b= s[2]
if len(s)>3: val = s[3]
s = usocket.socket(usocket.AF_INET,usocket.SOCK_DGRAM)
while True:
l = t[0]
for i,x in enumerate(chunks(l,4)):
then i needed some cute animations. i need to clean up the code a bit but the colorsys library comes to the rescue again.
i think with this successful test i need to lock in the dimensions of the acrylic and spin up the final base pcb.
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