
ESP Parasitized Clock

Parasitize a commercial clock with an ESP8266 to take over control of its buttons, LEDs and FM.

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This project is pure hack, specific to the AudioSonic's CL-1459E that I bought for 10 € on sale. Despite the functions it should have as a radio alarm clock, the following new features would be integrated:
- Powered by a LiPo/iPhone 6s battery or an USB wall outlet: a battery charger with load-sharing.
- Remote configuration: an ESP8266 takes over control of its buttons, LEDs and FM function.
- "Fancy" ESP8266 functions: such as Time-synchronization to a NTP, MQTT/tweet snooze pressed, MQTT low-battery alarm.
- KEEP the original UI, i.e. by pressing buttons.
  • 1 × AudioSonic CL-1459E

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