
Power Monitor

This project can be used to monitor the AC line that is connected to the CS5463 power analyzer breakout board.

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This project can be used to monitor the AC line that is connected to the CS5463 power analyzer breakout board. It uses the gen4-uLCD-43DCT to display the sensed values (Current, Voltage and Power) with an interactive touch screen function to set a threshold in wattage that can serve as a power limiter.

Users can improve this project by adding PF, VAR and VA measurements to the display. This project can also be used as a start-up reference to build a bigger project that uses a power monitoring functionality such as IoT Power Management System, Home Power Monitoring with SMS functionality, Power Saver, etc.

Disclaimer: This project should not be used to replace a legitimate circuit protection device.

Users can improve this project by adding PF, VAR and VA measurements to the display. This project can also be used as a start-up reference to build a bigger project that uses a power monitoring functionality such as IoT Power Management System, Home Power Monitoring with SMS functionality, Power Saver, etc.

Disclaimer: This project should not be used to replace a legitimate circuit protection device.

How it Works


·        gen4-uLCD-43DCT-CLB

·         gen4-IB and FFC Cable

·         uSD Card

·         uUSB Cable

·         Jumper Wires

·         5V External Power Supply

·         Relay Module 5V

·         AC Extension Cord

·         CS5463 Power Analyzer Board

·         Arduino UNO

·        4D-Arduino-Adaptor-Shield-II

·         Arduino Programming Cable

·         Breadboard

  • 1

    Build the circuit as shown in the diagram.


  • 2
    • Download the code here.
    • Open the Visi project using Workshop 4. This project uses the Visi Environment.
    • The project can be improved by adding more button(s) to add more functionality. Use the widget ribbon to add the type of button(s) you need.


    • In order to use the added button with the host(Arduino Uno), make sure to change the Event Handler under events of the object into “Report Message”
    • On the Arduino side, add a line that will capture the Report Message of the added object inside the myGenieEventHandler() function
    • The Arduino code is ready for sending other power-related values like PF, VAR and VA. The scope is limited to 4 traces only and currently, 3 traces are occupied by Volts, Current, and Power. The user can add or remove values on the scope object in order to meet the user’s need.


    • The user may also change the background image and the widgets in this project.
  • 3
    Compile and Load
    • Click on the “Compile” button.

    Note: This step could be skipped. However, compiling is essential for debugging purposes.

    • Connect the display to the PC. Make sure that you are connected to the right port. Red Button indicates that the device is not connected, Blue Button indicates that the device is connected to the right port.
    • Go back to “Home” tab. This time, click on the “Comp’nLoad” button.
    • Workshop 4 will prompt you to select a drive to copy the image files to a uSD Card. After selecting the correct drive, click OK.
    • When the micro SD card is not yet inserted, this message will appear on your gen4 Display:
    • After inserting your micro SD card this GUI should appear on the gen4 Display:

View all 3 instructions

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ChangosMuertos wrote 02/14/2019 at 22:45 point

I love it, just not worth the time/money. I can buy this prebuilt for half the price.

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