
Build an Android-controlled robotic arm

Build a robotic arm which will be controlled with an Android phone via the Audio Jack.

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In this project I built a laser cut robotic arm. It is being powered by 4 servo motors, controlled by the servodroid board.

This robotic arm was built using laser cut acrylic sheets. It is moved using 3 standard servo motors and a small one for the gripper. Unlike most robotic arms all heavy servo motors are in the base. This makes the upper part of the robotic arm lighter and thus requiring less power and looks more clean.

The servo motors are controlled using ServoDroid. ServoDroid is a tiny board that allows you to control motors and LEDs directly from your phone. With ServoDroid you can build Robots, camera mounts, Light activated lamps, and basically anything that contains a servo or LEDs. I created this board about a year ago and I'm now crowdfunding it on Indiegogo:

View all 8 components

  • 1
    Step 1

    Design the required parts and cut them using a laser printer or if you're more crafty using a saw.

  • 2
    Step 2

    Screw the servo motors to the relative parts as you can see in the picture below and attach all parts.

  • 3
    Step 3

    The servos were all connected to the ServoDroid board.

    An extension was used for the gripper servo wire

View all 4 instructions

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