My car doesn't have an interior light. Well, technically it doesn't have an interior. But there's no light for me to do any navigation or bookkeeping by.
I have a 6V LED lamp (salvaged from a camping lantern) that I can use as a light source, but it needs a power source.
The project is to build a power supply for the lamp, and install it in my car.
Analog Devices Technical Article MS-2208
"Selecting the Right Passive and Discrete Components for Top System Performance"
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154.60 kB -
01/31/2018 at 20:17
I recovered these inductors from an air-condition unit. They have a value of 1.3 mH. Is that enough or too much? My design suggests a 0.56 mH inductor.
This camping car really look great. I'm also working on the camping project to promote the camping tent. You can visit here