I've created a new version of the CS42448 TDM test board. It's updated for Teensy 4.x pinout.

An unpleasant discovery from the prior version was how hot the CS42448 chip runs. On this 2nd version, I've added copper underneath the chip and on the bottom layer to try to dissipate some of the heat.
I also added a PCM1808 ADC, so all 8 inputs can be used instead of only 6.

This version also adds a 14 pin header in the center, so it can be easily connected to the Dual Interleaved CS42448 board... which is still a work-in-progress.
My hope is to eventually be able to connect 2 of these boards to each TDM port, so all 16 inputs and all 16 outputs can be used. With 2 TDM ports, that should make 32 simultaneous audio input & output possible.....
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Since the CS42448 has gone EOL, I've created an alternate design using multiple TLV320AIC3104 CODECs. The can be used as a single 8x8 board, or stacked to 16x16. See https://github.com/palmerr23/Teensy8x8AudioBoard
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Please ping me again in April, and when you have the actual boards available on Tindie. We can give it a shout-out on the website and social media. But must have at least 1 good photo. Also need to wait until at least April 2, as we're still busy with the Sparkfun transition.
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Hey Paul,
This is a perfect example for a project i'm working on. Burt I was wandering since the CS42448 is a little expensive and not supplied with jlcpcb, I was wandering if the PCM3168A chip is a good substitute? it seems to be really similar, and then for the 2 extra channels they would both be PCM (maybe does not make a difference but I like having things similar)
Would be great to see your opinion on this :)
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Hi Folks!
Just wanted to say thanks for Paul's guidance pointing me here and the info that all of you have provided here. Just completed my orders for 3 of these PCBs, stencils, soldering paste, & guides. This will be my 1st attempt for populating a PCB with SMD components. Only need to source the bits & pieces. Wish me rotsa-ruck, cause I'm gonna need it. 😎
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Hey paul, great work,. I have now a couple of Teensy 4.1, but the PCB seem to be only for the Teensy 4.0 with the short PCB. Does this somehow work with Teensy 4.1 or could you make one version for 4.1?
I the PCB for 31.60 fully assembled?
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works fine with Teensy 4.1 if you just plug in the same 28 pins which are common to Teensy 4.0 and allow the other 20 pins to overhang above the codec chip
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Thanks, for the quick answer. I'll then order one PCB! My second question was, if the PCB is pre-assembled...Greetings from Austria!
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Did the pinout to the codec change between 4.0 and 3.2, or is this board mostly focused on form factor / practical changes like the heatsink?
I have one of the old TDM boards and am wondering if it would work with Teensy 4.0.
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It's pretty much the same as the older board, but with the TDM data signals routed to different pins for Teensy 4.0. Well, and the PCM1808 was added for all 8 inputs can be used. Before making this newer version, I tested a Teensy 4.0 on the old board with wires routing the TDM signals. Worked fine.
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Did the addition of a PCB heatsink help with the CS42448 "running hot" issue?
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Hey Paul. Thanks for pulling this again and supporting the community. Just wanted to ask if there is a BOM for this PCB?
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Hi Paul, is this board going to be available for ordering from OSH Park? I see that the previous version (https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/2Yj6rFaW) is there.
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Yes, it already is. Here's the link.
So far I've built 1 board. I personally tested the 8 outputs, then I sent it to someone in Germany who has confirmed all 8 inputs also work.
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Is there a parts list for this version of the board?
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Nope, I haven't had time recently to do any more work on this, so there's no parts list specific to this PCB. I haven't even had time to build another board (sent the 1st one to Frank in Germany), so I don't even have one running here.
But the electrical design is nearly identical older version, except for the PCM1808 and nearby parts, and maybe a few common resistors. You can also just leave off the PCM1808 and it will work just like the old one did, with 6 inputs instead of all 8.
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I went through and updated the parts list to match this board. I didn't make any changes to this list, although I would recommend changing the X5R resistors in the audio path to X7R to reduce low-frequency THD.
1 CS42448, Codec Chip 598-1033-ND
1 PCM1808, ADC Chip 2156-PCM1808PWG4-BB-ND
1 CAT811T, Reset Chip CAT811TTBI-GT3OSCT-ND
8 Connector, audio CP1-3525N-ND
1 Resistor, 0 ohm, 603 311-0.0GRCT-ND
8 Resistor, 150 ohm, 603 311-150HRCT-ND
8 Resistor, 560 ohm, 603 RMCF0603FT560RCT-ND
2 Resistor, 2.2K ohm, 603 311-2.20KHRCT-ND
8 Resistor, 10K ohm, 603 311-10.0KHRCT-ND
10 Resistor, 100K ohm, 603 311-100KHRCT-ND
16 Capacitor, 2.7nF, NP0, 805 445-7508-1-ND
4 Capacitor, 10nF, X7R, 603 490-1512-1-ND
10 Capacitor, 0.1uF, X7R, 603 490-1524-1-ND
14 Capacitor, 4.7uF, X5R, 805 1276-6463-1-ND
10 Capacitor, 10uF, X5R, 805 399-4925-1-ND
1 Capacitor, 22uF, X5R, 805 490-1719-1-ND
1 Capacitor, 100uF, X6T, 1206 490-10525-1-ND
1 Inductor, Ferrite Bead, 805 490-1054-1-ND
1 Circuit Board https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/gVFy0fWQ
1 Teensy 4.0 https://www.pjrc.com/store/teensy40.html
2 Socket, 14x1 www.pjrc.com/store/socket_14x1.html
2 Header, 14x1 www.pjrc.com/store/header_14x1.html
1 Heatsink (optional: CS42448 runs hot)
I also created a schematic in KiCad, although there doesn't seem to be a way to attach PDFs here. Paul, can I send it to you so that you can make it available for others?
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Can you upload the schematic and other files to github? Or a page here on Hackday.io. Or any other site with a permalink (pretty much anything except Facebook). Then I'll add links here and on the OSH Park page.
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I put my KiCad schematic files on github, as well as a PDF version of the schematic and a BOM (including Digikey, Mouser, and PJRC part numbers) in .csv format. https://github.com/geedotk/CS42448_T4_TEST2. If anyone finds any discrepancies between the PCB and schematic, let me know
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nice thx a lot :) is Multichannel usb audio possible by any chance ? That would be sooo dope
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It certainly is possible on Teensy 4.0 & 4.1 with 480 Mbit/sec USB speed, where "possible" means a deep dive into USB descriptors and buffers and low-level code. There's a thread on the forum where a few people have tried. So far none have reported success or shared any useful code.
Where "possible" means already implemented in the libraries and reasonably well documented in the graphical design tool, and actually tested to work with some combination or Mac, Windows & Linux, well... that may be a while. Right now many things are much higher priority, including better documentation of the many features already implemented.
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thank you for the quick reply. Sadly I’m not dev enough to solve that I think but I will keep an eye on the forum. Thanks so much for your work and the time to answer. I’m a designer, if that can be of any help (ux, icons...) let me know. 🙏
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Dear Paul, do you plan to share the schematics for the board? I'm a little confused regarding the TDM communication / connection. All the best!
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There is no schematic. I just put the parts right into the layout and click their pins to form the netlist.
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no worries, I guess it was just too late to think clearly at the time ;)
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You have done so much for the community...really thak you sir!!! :) . Ive been doing some audio proyects with my teensy but this is a must!
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