
DIY Home Automation Hub/Gateway using OpenHAB

Getting started with a home automation... made easy.

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I am using the Raspberry Pi B+ to build something of a home automation system. It has EnOcean Wireless Sensors, some arduinos and MQTT and a CC3200. I am also going to add a Rover based on the RPi soon. Then there is the RPiSOC that is also involved.

Here is my LONG and painful video of the final system Description and Demo

And Some more... Feat. The Raspberry Pi Telepresence Robot!

And Of course the System Design

  • 1 × Arduino Uno + Ethernet Shield
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi
  • 1 × EnOcean Sensors
  • 1 × RPiSOC
  • 1 × Load Cell

View all 6 components

  • 1
    Step 1

    The first step is to setup the Raspberry Pi with Raspbian OS. I recommend googleing for the latest setup guide because these instructions vary slightly with time.

    Additionally, we need to setup OpenHAB. For that, you should take a look at my detailed post at The Embedded Code

    At this point you should have a working Raspberry Pi which can be accessed over the network as well as the latest version of OpenHAB which is ready to start up.

  • 2
    Step 2

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dougal wrote 07/15/2015 at 16:52 point

Just voted for your project in the "Best Documented" category. :)

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Inderpreet Singh wrote 08/16/2015 at 14:58 point

My apologies for the late reply. Many thanks for the support :) 

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midnightcow wrote 06/15/2015 at 02:04 point

WIZnet provide a free sample WIZwiki_W7500 platform through

WIZwiki_W7500 platform is mbed-enabled IoT platform with Ethernet. W7500 integrates Cortex M0 with WIZnet TCP/IP core.

Anyway, Will l introduce your project on WIZnet museum site(

Thank in advance.

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midnightcow wrote 06/15/2015 at 00:26 point

Dear Inderpreet!!!

I have seen your blog. It's amazing project about the home-automation.

I learned a lot, thank you so much.

What I learned is how use to protocol with Open source Hardware platform, and how to communicate device with server, and how to manage to each other.

Specially, I love the light control based on arduino ethernet becase I am an engineer of WIZnet provided TCP/IP chip W5100 & W5500 to Arduino.

WIZnet have lauched a new chip(W7500) and IoT open source hardware platform(WIZwiki-W7500). If you are interested in them, feel free contact to me.

Thank you... 

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Inderpreet Singh wrote 06/16/2015 at 15:14 point

Hi and thanks. Im sending to a private message for this conversation

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