This is based upon the Papilio One 500K development board from Gadget Factory and the ZPUino soft-processor. Processing blocks are to be written in VHDL and compatible with the OpenCores Wishbone architecture for portability and easy integration with the ZPUino.
I chose the Papilio One because it's a good, relatively inexpensive starter board. I chose the ZPUino because it's open source, can be built using the free Zilinx tools (which also work well with the Papilio). Also, it's integrated with the DesignLab development environment , which provides a familiar development platform.
Details for the ZPUino can be found at
Details for the OpenCores Wishbone architecture can be found at,wishbone
The original ZPUino project used as the basis for this project can be found at
The current DesignLab based projects/libraries can be found at: