-It is not adaptable (one wire diameter, one helix diameter, one step spacing)
-It is not completely precise (though you bent the helix *very* precisely, the wire has some spring effect and the shape of the helix will slightly change when you remove it from the winder)
But it is a great tool:
-If you have a few small pieces of wood and wood glue, the cost is just $0
-It need avout 10-15 minutes of work to build, you'll make it in less than an hour and spend most of that time waiting for the glue to dry
-Though the final dimension of the helix are not really precise, they are very consistant. The final helix looks perfect !
This Helix Winder has originally be made to bend wire for my DNA Lamp. (see link in the menu on the left)
First, choose the wire diameter, helix diameter and turns spacing you want. I used:
-d=1.47mm wire diameter (standard 1.5mm² electric wire in europe). -D=8mm turns spacing -S=8mm helix diameter
I will note D the
helix INNER diameter (from one inner side of the wire to the other), and
S the INNER distance between two steps.
Step 2
Buy material
Get an aluminium tube (or rode, or irong rode, ...) with a diameter equal to D (helix inner diameter)
Buy a wooden bar with thickness equal to S. Don't use light wood like pine. I used oak from an industrial wooden floor. Mahogany or ashe would be fine.
Buy wood glue.
Get some cheap (2€ for a pair of mine at local disount store) if you do not have better ones.
Buy a drill press (no, don't, ask someone if you can use his one)
Step 3
Mark the Face Plate
Cut two grooves on one side of the piece of wood spaced by about 20-30mm (1 inch).
perpendicular lines on the face and mark the area between the two grooves and two lines.
Sometimes a jig is exactly what you need. I love quick hacks like this. Skulling and following - This is exactly what I need for a helical antenna I plan to make in the next few weeks.
nice one, ftregan!
nice one, ftregan!